Assassin Help

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Ratza, Aug 12, 2014.

  1. Ratza Well-Known Member

    I rolled an assassin and just got it to 95 and working on my TOV siggy line.

    My question is about CA there an order that works best to maximize my main is a brigand and I've worked over the years to get her rotation and combos down to a science but am struggling with the assassin rotation/combos.....will probably not ever raid with this toon but don't want to be an embarrassment in groups either.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Sliceberry Member

    On a heroic fight you're gonna wanna debuff-bleeds-regular ca's, Then around 50% let you're burn off. Make sure you keep your bleeds on 24/7
  3. Naneeje Well-Known Member

    Bleeds are key. You will do amazing damage with your own duration timers.
    My recommendation is to make yourself a chart. I do this with all my classes.
    I organize by name, duration, damage, recast, and whether it's an AOE or not. Also, for damage, I go do a complete zone with a group or raid, and then use that info to read my ACT parser to see what hits the hardest and fastest.

    You will want a full chain and a mini chain. Full chain includes Assassinate and Mortal Blade.
    Mini chain will strike once in between cool downs for that full chain.

    You are probably asking for a specific casting order, but you should just beat on a dummy a few times and look at your act parser to see what hits hard, often. For example, Hilt strike does little damage and does not get cast as often as others.

    Key is to know what debuffs the mob, what bleeds on the mob while you are using other combat arts and what needs to be cast in order to effect max damage.

    A few pointers I'll give you though, Smokebomb is safe, Masked Strike needs to stay in ALL THE TIME,
    Use Stalk or Stealth that boost 10% damage before Fatal followup from the aa line.
    Shadow Step is great but cast that and then Quick strike since QS can refresh the timer.

    If you go down the Bloodflurry line, use DrumsUI or something that gives you a spell timer window, add that to the window so you can see when you can cast that on a mob for max effect. LOt's of stuff even though it's a backstabbing tank and spank class. Enjoy it though, it's a blast.
  4. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    I mean, your bleeds do **** all for dps. The only reason you keep them up is the hp debuff, Bloodsoaked Frenzy, and Carnage if you spec that line. There's no reason to Stalk or Stealth before FFU, it's 10% potency, which is worthless now, and raids lag so hard that if you press any button outside of your 7 you likely will have stealth CAs drop off. You might not even be able to get 7. Irrelevant if you just play heroics though.
  5. Sliceberry Member

    Mostly just comes down to the stats really.
  6. Ratza Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys.....I doubt this toon will ever replace my's quite different to play even though it is a scout class far I'm having fun with it.
  7. Shortie New Member

    Use PFT as early as possible. The more quickly you use it, the more quickly it will be available again. I usually pop mine directly after torture, death mark, and my bleeds.
  8. Sliceberry Member

    I use mine at 50% for the ffu boost under 30%
  9. Buffrat Well-Known Member

    1 ips chain first to build Nightblade Intensity stacks, then pft chain 2nd. If you spec left side. And the mob lives that long.