As a Dirge, which artisan / profession should I pick?

Discussion in 'Dirge' started by ARCHIVED-Psychoklown, Jul 14, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Psychoklown Guest

    I read a bit and need suggestions on picking a profession to be self suffecient and possibly make some money for my Dirge.
    These 3 are the ones that I'm currently interested in:
    Scholor > Jeweler - Seems interesting and usable in all classes.
    Scholor > Alchemist - Potions which are used by everyone constantly
    Craftsmen > Carpenter - Building furniture and might make some money by selling it to everyone seems fun also
    Message Edited by Psychoklown on 07-14-2006 06:59 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-playatru Guest

    being that the other two you can get those items from quest and monster drops
  3. ARCHIVED-Rijacki Guest

    Which ever one you think would be fun. There is no "must have" tradeskill profession.. except maybe provisioner (and there are a lot of them). Take it from me, potions are not huge sellers, most people don't even realise you can use them (and, since LU#24, you can't even make the more commonly used ones until 40+ or higher).
  4. ARCHIVED-Niber Guest

    Personally, I'd suggest not doing tradeskills. It seems like a total waste of time to me. Most servers already have too many 'established' tradeskillers selling near cost. Unless you have a nice bank already established you'll have to spend countless hours harvesting and grinding away in the tradeskill instance -- better time could be spent in an xp group selling drops.


    Of the three choices. I'd say stay away from Carpenter -- they don't make money. If you're still dead set on a profession I'd go Alchemist and you can fight tooth and nail with the 100-200 already established Alchemists for poison and potion sales.

    [ Of course, if you enjoy tradeskills more than adventuring, then it might be for you! ]
  5. ARCHIVED-Whysprr_Wyrd Guest

    From personal experience, jeweler works well. You can make your own upgrades at cost and when you need 'em. Mastercrafted (e.g. rare) jewelry still sells modestly well, as do scout adept 3s, and since you'll be a scout, half your market research is done.
  6. ARCHIVED-Dechau Guest

    I agree with Whysprr in this, money saved is menoy earned you know..
    But if you really have your heart set on TS'ing and wanna make money, Provisioner is the way to go..
    We ALWAYS need food/drinks, but can get the rest of the stuff from drops/quests..
  7. ARCHIVED-Psychoklown Guest

    thank you all for your help! :)
    Jeweler is probably the best way for a Dirge or alchemsts. Luckily i don't have to make a final decision until lvl 20.
    I'll think about it on my way to lvl 20 between the two. Thanks!!!