Armor Sets (dressing room pictures)

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Lornick, Jul 16, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Chayna Guest

    Absolutely. I don't take anything said to be anything directed towards me to have any malicious intent. You and I disagree on a lot of things (I know we've countered each other on a lot of threads). I laughed out loud when I read that. I know I take a very blunt serious tone in a lot of threads. That's just my "this is my opinion and I'm right" voice. And I tend to lecture which makes it sound like I take everything serious... I don't take anything too serious, especially myself. Even if it sounds like I do. **** Here's a real shocker... You're right... the female versions look better than the male versions. Then again most of the female models looks better than the male models. Maybe we should just get rid of the male models altogether. The males in the game look pretty cartoonish to me and a bit bland or bishie (not that looking bishie is a bad thing). The females (at least the non-"beast" ones) look more feminine than the guys. A bit exaggerated in certain regions but not so much in others (I've never understood why we have big breasts but flat butts. Women have curves on the back nine too... Ok, enough derailing...
  2. ARCHIVED-Guy De Alsace Guest

    [p]Is it actually easier to get the fabled set than the legendary? I've been trying since EoF came out to get my Vhalen's legendary set for my Troubadour and still only have 3 bits (Boots, Leggings and Arms) and I bought the legs and arms from broker. There's the hands for sale but the price is insane.[/p][p]CoV seems to always drop either Al'Kabor's or Nem Ahnk and Unrest is always Dogmatic or Strongbear :([/p][p] [/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-Cammy2k5 Guest

    [p]They look all to much the same, just look at Guardian/Berserker, just another Color, same with Pala/SK[/p][p]And the SK EoF Fabled Set is the biggest Joke i've seen so far... SK is supposed to be DARK! But this is.... oh my God -.- The Relic Armor for SK is just perfect for the Class, but the EoF One is totally hilarious...[/p][p]Compare this, Relic vs EoF Fabled... what looks more like a Shadow Knight huh?[/p][p]I fought so hard to get the Relic Armor together and since I've seen the EoF Fabled, i lost the Fun for raiding with my SK, since i don't want it to look like a dirty Paladin... [/p][p][IMG][/p][p][IMG][/p]
  4. ARCHIVED-FlamingDuck Guest

    Darlina@Innovation wrote:
    I actually prefer the look of the EoF fabled set more lol, although I don't play a SK...Personally I think the coercer EoF set is the biggest eyesore...but all a matter of taste.
    But this is more reason there needs to be more armor customization: one look will never please everyone and the look of a set will often kill motivation for people to obtain it.
  5. ARCHIVED-Catseyes Guest

    since beta of EoF i m saying that the fabled inquisitor set is looking too much chain armor... where is the vanguard plate design now ? and the Shoulders ? they look same than the scout Blackscale pauldrons, cmon ! The stats are nice ok, but it doesnt look anymore "Heavy Plate Armor". the legendary are already a bit too "simple" but the fabled, yuk...
  6. ARCHIVED-transcendant Guest

    I really like the hat on the Warlock, and the purple eye effect is sweet. Why oh why does the conj set have a metal faceplate and no robe? and since when is white an elemental color? I'm not going to ge the fabled conj gear if that's the best crap they can think of.
  7. ARCHIVED-Lornick Guest

    Heh, something tells me if the whole set was offered to you that you'd take it =p