Arena Endurance, still unchanged/worthless

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Talathionwins, May 15, 2014.

  1. Talathionwins Active Member

    There was an update that converted every fighter heal in the game into % based. Currently this healing ability isn't effected by any stats, not potency, critical bonus and does not scale off your health. It parses about 7 hp/s. I have 1+ million hp in some fights.

    Please make this scale off Max Health like every other fighter healing ability.
  2. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    As our healing abilities can now no longer be positively influenced (no mod, no pot, no cb) and this is necessary to survive. The most powerful tank heals, only work As needed, these have therefore relatively high re-use timer to act as emergency support.

    Also the Wards the paladin have been forgotten at the time and these have therefore useless values. (Since they are not in percentage but also can no longer be cast critical). Therefore, I am in favor exactly to turn these in percentage max HP Wards.

    Demonstration of Faith => 14.000-30.000 Points every 30 seconds at 100% reuse [my suggestion would be 50% of max HP]
    Blessed Warding => 313 points, regenerative (at 5 points awarded AA) [my suggestion would be 2% of max HP, regenerative]
    Aura of Leadership => 2.183 points regenerative (10 points awarded AA) [my suggestion would be 5% of max HP regenerative]

    To demand the opposite is almost nonsense, especially since we will not get back in healing critical effect on the ability.

    That in certain situations may be powered via a Heals, may be. For example, the Returned healing of the Berserk, which have no limit on quantity of the attacking mobs and thereby generate at mobs with unlimited Adds, values ​​of 850k HPS and more. Only here you can easily remedy this by limiting the amount of imputed results on 8 mobs.

    I think it's not even funny the Berserker, for example, "The Bloodless Incursion X2 in High Keep" do not need a healer because the adds alone take over the complete healing when. Other tank classes need 2-3 healers here in this Encounter.

    Only the subtleties are what have to look at SOE. The most part, healing the fighter classes is well balanced.
  3. Sylvi Member

    That is just the way their class works. Meanwhile berserker is pretty much a detriment in zones like HKC because their aoes pull rooms and they can't really control it. The adds their make the tank take 50%(?) more damage, we had to replace our berserker with a paladin. Every expansion and encounter has its niche and such, in SF for example the best tank for 3 Rune was a brawler because of their ridiculous avoidance. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses and we all remember "The Shadowknight Odyysey" when the Shadowknights were the best tanks out of any other by far.