April: New PVP TLE Server Coming.....

Discussion in 'PvP TLE Discussion' started by Freddie_Mercury, Jan 10, 2023.

  1. Hettrick New Member

    Garbage PvP TLE server. Yet another boring classic server that won't even make it to RoK. Clueless director and gaming studio. I'm out.
  2. Freaknik New Member

    I am feeling the complete opposite, couldn't be more excited. Just goes to show how you can't please everyone with every decision.
    Schmetterling, Fetish and Dude like this.
  3. Siren Well-Known Member

    I just hope they're using a clone of Tarinax that already has its Mentoring fixes, as well as its AoE splash damage fixes, coded in. Otherwise, we'll have to endure 3-4 weeks of exploits while waiting for it all to pass Q&A once more, the way we did on Tarinax. Exploits empty out a server coming out of the gate.
  4. Hettrick New Member

    Having to suffer through KoS for several months doesn't sit well with me. Had my fill of it on Tarinax. Tarinax died before EoF came out, didn't get to do any of the content. Also RoK for Mythical weapons would've been nice. RoK, TSO was for me the best PvP in EQ2.
  5. Freddie_Mercury Member

    Well boys and girls, the word is in... they just did a copy / paste of all the failtastic things they did in the past...
    The server is dead before arrival.

    They had a chance if they had changed the ruleset, to break free of the insta-death of PVP servers like we have seen time and time again... but instead... copy / paste fail...

    lol... par for the course...
  6. Freddie_Mercury Member

    LOLOLOL as I read that I didnt even need to see the name of the person who wrote it, I knew INSTANTLY that it was one of you Onyx scrubs... same old argument from 2008... "but but... we want to be able to go kill scripted mobs with ACT triggers telling us when to do things and then dominate the PVP field cuz we EARRRRRRRRRNNNEED it!!"

    It was just as dumb of an argument back then as it is now... well I take that back... the fact you are still spewing it makes it far more dumb now..
  7. Freddie_Mercury Member

    I love the double standard that has existed in your argument for 15 years too! lololol

    "We want to be able to go kill scripted mobs and get BIS PVP gear, but someone who PVP's shouldn't get BIS PVE gear to kill scripted mobs!!!!! QQ QQ QQ !!!!!"

    OMFG, literally Back to the Future IV plot going on here... omfg... broken record much?

    This is good stuff man, please continue literally copy / pasting the same arguments from 1.5 decades ago that made you guys the laughing stock of the entire gaming world... please... go on
  8. Gooby TTV aka Dreww Member

    this dude is so mad that he quoted himself lol weren't u kerrybloddyblades? afk.
  9. Freddie_Mercury Member

    Par for the course when someone points out your horrific double standard argument... 15 years on and the same old story...

    You bored me then, you bore me now... move along
  10. Gooby TTV aka Dreww Member

    Allow me to bring you meatballs back into the light. Back in the day, (KOS/EOF/ROK era), there were token drops which could be used to purchase PVP gear (with raid equivalent stats). obviously raid gear was best in slot, but a person in full PVP gear could compete with a person in full raid gear and it was a decent match up (class dependent and skill wise obviously). Who remembers the 100 % parry belt (which was best in slot for scouts, PVP gear)? Some of you, (like Freddie Mercury aka Kerry Bloodyblades) have very selective memory. This game was never designed with PVP in mind, PVE was always the forefront. PVP was an afterthought. Thus, the best gear should come from the PVE side (which isn't even hard anymore like it was 10-15 years ago). The problem is with these TLE's, there is no full sets of PVP gear like there was back then...and the devs don't want to support open world pvp. Instead, they add writs to complete for status and some tokens for a cool crossbow or whatever...items that have no real impact on PVP...Unless it's changed since the last time I played. That is the real issue at hand, no incentive to PVP in the world aside from leveling. Once you level up, it's a PVE server with PVP turned on.
    Fetish likes this.
  11. Fetish Well-Known Member

    But that's the good part, and the reason the PvP servers were so fun.
    Schmetterling and Siren like this.
  12. Gooby TTV aka Dreww Member

    It's fun for the first 2 weeks, unless the open world is thriving (which it won't be unless there is an incentive to PVP aside from titles), game is afk.
  13. Moss Well-Known Member

    May be some free Heritage Treasure Cache from PVP rewards could help. And make them claimable on any server.
  14. Fetish Well-Known Member

    PvP ~is~ the incentive to PvP. Finishing quests that have updates in the open world (not just instances) facilitates the opportunities and occurrences of that PvP. The game is definitely suffering from mismanagement, and the cash grab through Kronos and RMTs affects the TLE servers and special rulesets servers more than live, but...we still seem to play the game. For now.
    Siren, Schmetterling and Dude like this.
  15. Schmetterling Well-Known Member

    Sunlei likes this.