Apprentices need *STURDY* items!

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Caela, Dec 10, 2014.

  1. Caela Well-Known Member

    Our poor apprentices need *sturdy* items.... They break down bad enough as it is... so the sturdier the better!

    Regarding the patch notes:

    Instead of removing the word "sturdy" from the quest, you need to ADD it to the quest item. Every single apprentice quest item since the beginning have had "sturdy" in the name - made it very easy to find the item you needed to make. Except for these two items... they are the only items without the word "sturdy". I seriously spent a half hour trying to locate the item in my recipe book, inventory, etc...

    So instead of removing the word "sturdy" from the quest text (where it belongs) - you need add the word "sturdy" to the Ragged Leather apprentice items.

    Thank you!
    Cuelaen, Finora, Hijinx and 5 others like this.
  2. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    At first I thought it was a way to distinguish the different "can't make them in advance" apprentice items from the "still can make them ahead", but then I realized it was only the two loom items, so yeah...dunno...not sure why these would be the only two different ones.

    Dev folks, please, for consistency's sake: the *items* should be "Sturdy", as Caela said.
    Cuelaen and Hijinx like this.
  3. Hijinx Well-Known Member

    As I said in another thread, EQ2 is like reading a book with a different author and pov for every chapter. I thought the lack of consistency was just sloppy, but knowing that it's intentional just makes it bewildering.
    Cuelaen likes this.
  4. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    If I remember correctly, and I might not at my age LOL, some of the apprentice recipes had the same name as regular recipes. It was the 'sturdy' prefix which set them apart. I guess next they will nerf the amount of harvestables the goblin and pony return to reduce the number of fish LOL.
    Cuelaen likes this.
  5. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    lol. Wouldn't that be something, after finally getting a way to dispose of them? :p
  6. Purrako Active Member

    I guess I am not seeing the big deal over the item names.
    I logged in my crafters today for their apprentice dailies.
    Today was make baskets.
    Every single tradeskiller (including woodworker) went to the saw, hit sort by difficulty and the two possible trade-skill quest items for the saw were at the top of the list.
    Since this change was to do with sewn items I trotted them(including tailor) over to the sewing table, hit sort by difficulty and the two possible trade-skill quest items for that machine were at the top of that list as well.

    Seems to me that just a single click to sort by difficulty is easier than trying to type in a search for sturdy and then looking through all the sturdy items for the proper level one.
  7. Mermut Well-Known Member

    You can 'hide' recipes. Type 'sturdy', hide all the lower level ones.. then every time you need to make an apprentice item, type 'stur' and you get the single item you need. That's worked for a long time. And still works... except for lvl 100 recipes on the loom. It's not a huge deal, but it an unnecessary irritation and a very... odd.. change/decision.
    Cuelaen, Caela, Prrasha and 1 other person like this.
  8. Shmogre Well-Known Member

    What Mermut is two items out of *all* of them, including the similar level 100 items. The inconsistency is odd, which is why we are pointing it out. This seems like an honest goof, an attempt to fix a mismatch between item name and what the quest is looking for, and doing it the wrong way around. Definitely minor and easily worked around, but something worth pointing out for consistency's sake.
    Loredena, Cuelaen, Sambril and 2 others like this.
  9. Meirril Well-Known Member

    Yes, sturdy ragged make no sense in a name and following the conventions of the English language one of them should be removed. Despite that both of those words have a separate meaning in EQ2. Sturdy means it is used for apprentice quests. Ragged is a connotation of the materials used to create the item. While removing one of the two words would make more sense with our language, I'm with everybody else calling for nonsense.

    Put sturdy on all the apprentice items. Even when it sounds ridiculous.
  10. Purrako Active Member

    I guess...
    Still seems easier to just click sort by difficulty than going through and hiding recipes and typing search terms.
    I suppose if you had already set it up that way /shrug
    AoM is the inconsistency expansion though. My jeweler wants to make belts, but all of a sudden my tailor needs to log in for that.
    Loredena likes this.
  11. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Many of use have a large number of lvl 100 recipes on the loom.
    Shmogre likes this.
  12. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    Doesn't it appear at the top of that list when you sort difficulty? As I recall, the list goes alphabetical when you do that.

    I don't see the big deal about the wording either. The easy fix is to just make a filter for the apprentice recipes. If you need the filter to appear at the top, it's a simple matter of cutting and pasting the info in the eq2 recipe filter file.
  13. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    Implementing my quest helper UI recommendation would also work. :D

    That would be one click, with no typing item names or scrolling through filter lists.
  14. Mermut Well-Known Member

    I can type ool for the toolbelt and p r o n for the apron. It just have to know which one.. and I have to remember that stur doesn't work.. on the loom... when my toons hit 100. It's doable and not a big deal. But still odd to have JUST those 2 recipes be different then all the others at all tiers.

    Edit: had to put spaces in my abreviation for apron.. apparantly dropping the a off the front makes it obsene?
  15. Caela Well-Known Member

    Those of us with obsessive/compulsive quirks like things to be consistent! All will not be right with the world until all the apprentice quest items have the word "sturdy" in them.

    And I use DarqUI, and his tradeskill window has a favorite function - I have the word "sturdy" as a favorite - so I don't type anything - I just do the drop down and choose the word.
    Loredena likes this.
  16. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    It should. When I'm doing my TA crafting rotation, I always hit the difficulty heading to get it in descending order of difficulty. Worked when 95 was the cap; works now that 100 is the cap.

    I'm going to try this later, to see if it is possible (i.e., if there is a common element to the TA recipes that the filter can use). If I find something that works, I'll post a mini-tutorial showing the method that I used. (This, of course, assumes that I remember to do so. That isn't always a foregone conclusion. :oops: )