Appearance Armor for Females

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Arweena69, Jan 8, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-WeatherMan Guest

    kelvmor wrote:
    It's not soley a distaff argument. Maybe have your swashbuckler be able to dress like Jack Sparrow or the Dread Pirate Roberts? We can't actually do that at the moment. And sure, the gals could wear the pirate boots, bandannas, and poofy shirts too, but we all know who they would be introduced for.
    Guys attire in-game is just as stilted and boring as the gals. The only reason it isn't an issue to the same degree is that an overwhelming majority of 'red shirt' equivalents in fantasy are male (and thus disposable, so who cares what they wear), and attractive clothing on a woman is much more easily acknowledged as a standard trope. But us guys shouldn't be left out in the cold - any sort of outfit the gals get, we should get a male version. Absent a kilt, a barbarian or ogre fella would be well-served by his Conan Battleshorts (tm).
  2. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    WeatherMan wrote:
    I agree. This game just badly needs more appearance variety in armor and clothing in general. It's been pretty much the same models retextured over and over since lauch with a new one occasionally added.
  3. ARCHIVED-Taemien Guest

    Lethe5683 wrote:
    Thats the price we pay for having so many classes and being able to customize their size.
    WoW gets away with it by the only 3d modeling for armor being helm, gloves, boots, and shoulders. Everything else is just textured over the character model. And they've only got 12 races.
    In EQ2, the armor is not just textured over the model. Its a model in itself. We risk looking cartoony if they just textured it. Which wouldn't look bad, but it'd turn alot of people off. Thats the main reason alot play this instead of the other choice.
  4. ARCHIVED-Lethe5683 Guest

    Taemien@Lucan DLere wrote:
    And their models are crap that any amateur modeler could make in a few hours.
  5. ARCHIVED-Obaldi Guest

    That white robe with the lacy looking sleeves is so nice!^^ I wanted the nice white dress in game but I'm not in a guild =(, but agree 100 % if they've got the time yeah I think some new attractive armour would be nice .