any update on when casters will stop one shotting?

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-lollipop, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-lollipop Guest

    Title says it all was supposed to be a "fix" inc for resists and the AA they get that make them hard as hell to kill....any update would be just great.
  2. ARCHIVED-Baztien Guest

    If you think that it'll stop when the fix gets implimented, you're mistaken.
    It wont be so widespread across gear levels, that's what I expect.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zabom Guest

    Baztien wrote:
    i suspect that this is the truth. Lets face it in order to keep classes ballanced, they need to be able to deal the same amount of damage in the same amount of time. Scouts are typically hitting me for 2500 2 times a second. Than means they do about 10k damage to me in 2 seconds. in about 2 1/2 seconds, I can get off an ice comet it will do 10k maybe. That is actually less damage per second then the scouts. However since it is spike damage it is harder to heal through, and if my target is already below 60% I have a good chance of finising him off. So, if they just cut the amount of damage done without greatly reducing the cast time, they have only served to create a greater imballance in the opposite direction. I don't envy SOE's chore of fixing problems such as these.
  4. ARCHIVED-Jrel Guest

    Yeah, I'm not sure if/how they're going to fix this. Personally I've been getting 5500 to 11K on my Assassinates so that would mean the top casters on my server should be getting up to 15-30K at least with Ice Comet if it was "balanced".
  5. ARCHIVED-lollipop Guest

    My problem is I have 25k hp full toughness and 19k resists. NO casters should one shot me ever. NO caster should be able to go blow for blow with me close melee tange and live.
    If a scout is killing you in 2 seconds you need to spec right.
  6. ARCHIVED-Baztien Guest

    Ever? Even a Double Ice Comet, Ever?
    Outside raid buffing, I've got a 12% chance to do that. I'd like a good explanation why that shouldnt kill if both land.
  7. ARCHIVED-Edavi Guest

    I hate to break it to you, but the PVP server has been around a loooong time now, and BG's play on the same ruleset.
    Whether its ice comet or HT or what, since the begining of time someone has always been oneshotting someone else. Who knows, maybe now that we got u bluebies in BGs now the devs will pay some attention to class balancing, BUT with that said, ima tell you right now with years of experience.
    Dont ever expect classes to be balanced, always expected 2 or 3 stupid OP classes, and always expected someone to be doing something shady to get an edge. That is the way it is.
    Sorry :-/
    I know they are planning to fix resists, but what im trying to say is, it will just make way for someone else to be OP
  8. ARCHIVED-Banditman Guest

    My concern here is that the non 1 shotting casters get gimped in this process. I mean, if one or two classes are OP'ed, fix those classes, don't **** 6 others to fix it.
  9. ARCHIVED-lollipop Guest

    Right now you have casters taking hits like tanks and killing people in a second and sometimes whole groups.
    And if I get face to face with a caster NO they should die. Casters need to learn skill root snare ports ect. If I make it face to face with a caster they need to die.
    I am sorry but you have gimped geared casters with the right aa spec taking hits better then some tank classes and killing everyone. yeah............they need to get fixed and a fix is inc thank god. No point in argue, no point in debate its broken, it is going to be fixed. I just wanted an update.
  10. ARCHIVED-Murchik Guest

    When I play warlock in BG, the only people that get one or two shoted by me are the people who I inspect later and they are in treasured/few expansions back mastercrafted gear. I'm bluebie, with tso t3 gear, mix of master/expert spells. If you are going into BG with gear that kind, you are setting up yourself and your team.
  11. ARCHIVED-Lorrn Guest

    lollipop wrote:
    fixed that for you :)
    cause let me tell you i dont even take my necro into pvp cause 66% of my class can be straight up ignored making it pointless.
  12. ARCHIVED-Baztien Guest

    lollipop wrote:
    So, you're basically saying that you want to kill us without having to shut us down and for us to have to shut you down in order for us to kill you?
    Doesnt sound very fair.
  13. ARCHIVED-Edavi Guest

    I have an Illy, the fight either goes 1 of 2 ways, either i lock u down and kill you in about 10 seconds, or you come kill me in about 5 seconds, unless youra healer then it takes 15 seconds for either to happen.
    And as soon as people figure out how to break mez, then I have noooothing.
    Im usually dead before i can blink.
    Im worried that this resist change is guna be big trouble for my Illy, i dont hit people for 18k... Biggest nuke I have is like 6k or something.
  14. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    With sufficient toughness I'm almost never one shotted by casters. For sure, a good double spell attack can do it, but with the 40% base damage reduction provided by this gear, its rare that I can be one shotted.
    Generally I atleast have a chance to attempt to land one stiffle/interupt/fear chance, generally 2-3 attempts before dieing.
    I'm actually more concerned with specific abilities hitting for full unmitigated damage in pvp (bewilderment, blasting proc, and a few others).
  15. ARCHIVED-anamii Guest

    don't forget to fix swashy, sin, stun 1-2hits
  16. ARCHIVED-LivelyHound Guest

    Baztien wrote:
    No, hes basically saying that the devs have posted that its broken, that a fix is incoming, and he would like to know when.
    It's not hard to understand how broken sorcs are at the moment, espeically as it has been outlined in multiple threads, and that soe have acknowledged that it is broken.
  17. ARCHIVED-Nonnag Guest

    Nulgara@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Please don't even start this, because Summoners get there pets which CAN take aggro and DPS and Heal everyone. Chanters get mezzes and ports. Sorcorers get manashield and Mit increases which basicly make us the tanks of the mages. You take it from us and we will effectively get murdered in the BG, without fully loaded 90 BG gear, even in the 80-89.
    I've seen many classes have unfair advantages, I've seen T4 paladins one shot T3 wizards with manashield (With out the wizard DOING anything). I've seen Zerkers kill entire groups by themselves, I've seen chanters Mez, dot and port people off cliffs. So please don't tell me Sorcorers are OP.
  18. ARCHIVED-Baztien Guest

    LivelyHound wrote:
    If you want to read it like that, sure.
    I just see that he wants to overpower mages like every other class. Given that he plays two crusaders and a monk, he's essentially scout proof and is kicking his feet to be mage proof too.
  19. ARCHIVED-lollipop Guest

    Baztien wrote:
    Well first im a she, second the resist fix effects me as me since SK and paly's use ....spells. I am not scout proof lol. My signifficant other also plays healer and an illy. Like the poster said, its broken and I wanted to know when a fix is coming.
    Its been posted a fix is here yay!!! Its on test we put in a copy and are going to test every toon we have! Oh and I also said I played a dirge...who has...omg SPELLS go figure huh. So the fix effects me to. BG will be longer, will be more of a fight. It will be omg fun! It will no longer be a dead before reach the other group, no longer dead before can even jump off the spawn point in gears. It will be more skill, healers will become more important since heals will accually matter when fighting warlocks/wizards. As it is now all you need is a couple wiz/locks and you win. The other team can never even make it to you.
    I say yay on the fix! I cant wait to have some real challenge and some fun in BG's. Kinda like when you get when both team has NO mages lol. The fights that last like the whole time, constant battle where the little mistake can cost ya the match.
    Assists will mean something again! No more just send the warlock in and let em rift solo .....thats all we need. Tanks using every rescue they have and group taunts and still may not be enough to save that healer or scout the other team is after. No more having the mages on the front line like tanks taking the hits and nuking the whole groups! I am so looking forward to it.
  20. ARCHIVED-Baztien Guest

    lollipop wrote:
    Cool story, bro.