any reason to have 5 pts dragonfire?

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-Brigh, May 23, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Brigh Guest

    I had no idea this would make it 50 radius when I got it, and found out what a train-inducer it can be.
    It even goes through walls sometimes!
  2. ARCHIVED-AustinB Guest

    Dragonfire only reaches 20m with AA, although it might be 40m with the Miragul's charm (don't have it to test), which can be really useful at times, but it also does have it's draw backs (especially when there is a risk of pulling things through walls). The main reason to get this AA is the reuse speed reduction and Dragonfire actually does a lot of damage, so it is nice having it up more often.
  3. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    The range doesn't increase with miraguls charm. But yes 5 points in it is a good idea for the reuse.
  4. ARCHIVED-Brigh Guest

    I was roughly converting it to feet.
    This needs to be fixed as it seems to be the only spell I know if that goes through walls/floors/ceilings.
  5. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    Personally, I love the huge range on dragonfire. I tend to use it when I'm pulling mobs towards the group and they aren't arranged neatly yet--Dragonfire makes sure that I have some aggro on each of the mobs before anyone else has a chance to AE/heal and pull aggro.
  6. ARCHIVED-Selpone Guest

    Have any been able to put the points into the AA which adds a threat component to it? I'm curious to how much hate it generates and if the AA in the shadow line that adds to all taunts stacks with this ability. I was hoping to use this as a blue-back AE taunt.
  7. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Selpone wrote:
    I have the aa with the threat for my defensive stance it is great.
  8. ARCHIVED-rabid.pooh Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    It would be nice for the hate component to be a positional hate increase.
  9. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Toesmash@Oasis wrote:
    We have enough positionals.
  10. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    We have enough single target +hate position CAs, but no blue ae ones unless I have really missed something. The only ae hate position we get is in-group; using our group taunt while Provoking Stance (24s duration, 3 min recast) is up.
    I don't think dragon fire would be the CA to put +hate positions on (kinda useful like it is), but it certainly would be nice to have even 1 blue hate position ae.
  11. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Xerq@Crushbone wrote:
    I would much prefer they just half the reuse on dragon fire, as far as an AE positional goes we kind of do have one if you count mantis leap.
  12. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    Mantis leap only counts if paired with crane flock though.
  13. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Vinka@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Because craneflock is the only way we ae auto?
  14. ARCHIVED-BlueX Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    Yeah, I guess if you hit mantis leap followed by a blue ae or get an ae-attack off, that's like a blue ae hate position. It's still one of those combo moves, and speccing for it requires sacrificing other good AAs.