Another one out

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-razor247, May 17, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Chock Guest

    Selestian@Crushbone wrote:
    We are largely gear and group dependent. My dps drops like a tank without a troub in group. Having perks like a troub, a wizard for his buffs and summoner for Elemental Toxicity, and VO from the bards really add up. I also have EVERYTHING macroed for buffs. For TW, its cycled on the next person who doesnt have immunity. My power regen is cycled in my cast order, my ten trillion buffs I set up macroed for each person in raid and click right down the line. Takes me about 10 mins to prepare for raid but then allows me to buff quickly and get back to dpsing after a death or someone elses death.
    It will always be disheartening to see your wizard pushing 90k (as our primary wizard was tonight) and I barely squeeking out 35k on the same mob. With the changes, the disparity between mages will only widen. For the most part its just sucking it up and doing the best you can.
  2. ARCHIVED-vexrm Guest

    Chock wrote:
    I am so happy I'm not the only one that does this. I know a bunch of my guildmates IRL and was over playing at one of their houses the other day. They glance at my screen and went "What IS THAT?" and pointed to my hotbar that has three mana flows, four time warps, and four channel focuses on them. It simply takes to long to target folks and don't even get me started on time warping pets....
  3. ARCHIVED-Chock Guest

    vexrm wrote:
    I don't time, Time Warp at all; they should be lucky I just don't spec right out of it. I have a single macro that lists all the people in my group who get TW. Every time TW is up I push the button. You should be able to get 4 people TW'd before the immunity runs out on the first person, thus resetting the list. Screw TW pets tbh.
  4. ARCHIVED-vexrm Guest

    Umm... Chock check the macro changes.
    If you have more than two spells/abilities in a macro it will now cast the first one and if that's down cast the last one. If both are down it will queue the first one.
  5. ARCHIVED-Chock Guest

    vexrm wrote:
    Didn't they abandon that? I can't find it in the release notes.
  6. ARCHIVED-vexrm Guest

    Chock wrote:
    Test it out tonight, our dirge last night was complaining bitterly about it and I had all my macros changed around to learn how to play with it in place so don't have anything to simulate it.
  7. ARCHIVED-Chock Guest

    vexrm wrote:
    Yep, yep! I will box a few toons and check it out. Thanks for the heads up!
  8. ARCHIVED-Celestian_GC Guest

    vexrm wrote:
    Like some of the others here listed I also macro my flows and buffs. Early on I did the buffs because I wasn't geared for the zones and would die quite a lot and it was easier to just macro the buffs and when I got rez'd, buff everyone quickly.
    I do macro TW because I group with summoners and sticking TW on them is not nearly as good as TWing their pet. My conji friend regularly hits for over 600k w/elemental blast.
    I notice several people mention elemental toxicity, isn't that the spell that procs +spell damage on nuke (forgive me if I am wrong) but we also have peace of mind that does that, in addition to buffs like destructive rampage, illuminate and FoB to help increase dps. Why doesn't anyone mention those?
  9. ARCHIVED-Tasmai Guest

    vexrm wrote:
    I dont believe this to be true. Will test it out and see but, I havnt changed my macro layout since they implemented this and I'm not having any problems with them.
  10. ARCHIVED-karrani Guest

    vexrm wrote:
    Author of ACT came out with the solution I use for my illy and coercer.
  11. ARCHIVED-Chock Guest

    karrani wrote:
    Aditu comes to the rescue again. I am checking this out now. Thanks!
  12. ARCHIVED-Tenoris Guest

    Selestian@Crushbone wrote:
    Toxicity does damage to the encounter hit by a spell, like 1k ish if I remember. So, for example, say a necro casts Pandemic at a 5 mob encounter, hitting each mob for 2-3k. Elemental toxicity would proc 5 times, once off each mob, and end up hitting every mob in the encounter for another 5k. PoM on the other hand, would do almost 2k to each mob, since it procs only onto a single target.
    Illuminate is largly irrelevant in grouping and probably in raiding too, though I don't raid so I don't know. But if people are smart enough to hit their casting skill cap, as they should be, it won't help that much. FoB is nice, but again, won't help with resists and only adds a marginal amount of dps. Destructive rampage is probably our best temp buff, but it has such a low up time, like 15-20 seconds if i remember (refuse to log onto my illy at this moment cause a friend is bothering me) that the dps increase won't matter too much on long named fights, or through multiuple stages (see: the queen in cella)
    As for other temp buffs/"utlility" savant is a nice ohcrud button, but only for the healer, so it might as well be a single target. Channeling is savant is all but name. But i guess if you get 5 illies in a group you can have them throwing 5-10k dps forever with this spell. Time Warp is... well.. bleh, if anyone wants me to fiddle around with my macros and just to get a rotation of this damned thing going you have to pay me. And lets face it, unless the warlock rifts an entire massive aoe pull, it won't make a massive difference ZW. And the double attack on TC is just there to make people complain at me for not having it, I swear. is 5% spell double attack really that important? Especially when I CAN'T PUT IT ON MYSELF FOR SOLOING!
    Honestly, alot of our so called utility is largly irrelevant and adds only a sprinkling of damage to whatever group we join, and alot of it is there simply so those of us illies who proclaim 'personal dps before utility' can NEVER get a raid guild.
  13. ARCHIVED-vexrm Guest

    I did not write about that elemental toxiticity thing. I understand just how unbalanced the two are. I completely disagree on Savant though. I have people that burn through power left and right on raids. Savant is a great way to manage power and let me keep them up. It's not like I'm a Coercer and can mana flow the whole group or something.
  14. ARCHIVED-EvilAstroboy Guest

    The only person I need to feed mana to on raids is the healer, and only if its an inquisitor or fury. Hitting mana flow whenever its up does the trick. All of the AA and red adorns focusing on mana are stupid.
  15. ARCHIVED-Chock Guest

    EvilAstroboy wrote:
  16. ARCHIVED-vexrm Guest

    I'd love to know what my conji, wizard, and dirge aren't doing then as I have to feed them power as well, though not nearly as often as the fury.
  17. ARCHIVED-ShadowMeerkat Guest

    I just started playing the game and I find the illy pretty good. I guess its just me.
  18. ARCHIVED-EvilAstroboy Guest

    It is just you. Come back when you are max level and contributing less to group damage and utility than healers and bards.
    My sub runs out this Friday. Good luck getting changes guys, Im done.
  19. ARCHIVED-EvilAstroboy Guest

    vexrm wrote:
    The myth buff should cover any dps class. Perhaps they keep accidentally hitting sprint.
  20. ARCHIVED-Chock Guest

    EvilAstroboy wrote:
    Sorry to see you go Evil, one more illy down. :(