An honest first impression (lvl 35 Zerk)

Discussion in 'Berserker' started by ARCHIVED-Slirp, Sep 14, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Slirp Guest

    I’ve always been open with my friends that I knew Berzerkers were an over powered class. I knew it would come to an end some day, and chose to enjoy the party while it lasted. Well, the party is over.

    I spent some time last night re-learning my class. While I was standing around figuring everything out I was listening to people who were providing their own little renditions of Chicken Little, well I assure you my friends the sky is not falling. What most people didn’t understand coming in to this update was that the game wasn’t working the way SOE had intended. Single mobs with no bars are solo encounters. Any solo mob below even con should be a walk in the park. White or even con mobs should be challenging but a win with good tactics. Yellow and above should be a roll of the dice, 50/50 or below. Heroic mobs (which are a little unbalanced right now) should be tough. Grey should be trivial, I agree with that. Green should be dicey but a possibility, anything above should hand you your you know what and send you on your merry way.

    After taking 45 minutes last night to respec my character (Too many choices at once, I felt overloaded) I set out to try my hand at the critters around me. Most solo encounters were pretty easy and good practice to figure things out. I did try a lvl 27 heroic ^^^ and it was touch and go. I was a little disappointed since they were grey the day before and I had no trouble with them. Overall, it was just as much fun as it was before.

    The important thing to remember is they changed our entire fighting dynamic. We have a couple new stuns and some new attacks, worked properly they can give you a strong advantage in a fight. I consider myself pretty quick on the pickup, but this new system threw me for a loop. Heck I’m still trying to figure some things out. In the end though we’ll all learn it, and I think begin to like our new abilities.

    I do currently have a few small concerns that I’m addressing in feedback. A little background, I’m completely outfitted in legendary armor, I also have a good handful of adept 3’s. I’m concerned that if I have a moderately easy time with solo mobs, they must be a little over powering to someone with just standard armor and ability upgrades. My base avoidance of 19% is a little low but I can get it over 40% with my defensive stance and a tower shield. With a couple little tweaks I think we’ll still be a very playable class. I wouldn’t expect too much though since we’re pretty playable as it is.

    I would also like to add, I was one of the people going in to this update thinking we were going to get completely screwed. A week ago I settled myself and decided I would go in open minded. I’m glad I did, after the initial confusion I was still happy with what they left us and I know with a couple little adjustments we’ll be just fine.
  2. ARCHIVED-Risker Guest

    We have never been over-powered.... just slightly more capable than other classes due to our limited tanking and DPS ability allowing us to do a duo role.
  3. ARCHIVED-KagnarLOH Guest

    limited tanking? if our tanking is so limited, why then are zerkers MTs for most raids? I wouldn't say we were overpowered but I also wouldn't claim limited tanking as the reason we weren't.