Alternate Models vs. Classic Models; Being seen the way we choose.

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-Acknar, May 21, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Guy De Alsace Guest

    You can set your appearance in both models. Why is there a problem again?
    Personally, I'd hate it if I was forced to endure the SOGA models for any length of time. *Shudder* :D
  2. ARCHIVED-Beef_Supreme Guest

    I have actually been won over by some of the SoGA models, and I didn't see that coming.
    My issue, however, is two-fold with the dual-model set up we have:

    1. Some of the races look just too damn different. It makes it impossible for people who are really obsessed with their character's persona and image to match the two. Look at Ogres (and I know, Asian market blah blah), they are completely different races on each setting. I see why this pisses Ogre players off.
    Personally, I'm a Barb. My character looks pretty different on each setting, but I've learned to like both. I still think some players got the shaft with this.

    2. NPC's! Who the hell am I really talking to? When I change from Original to SoGA things look completely different. This is an immersion killer. If suddenly the dark haired guy with an eye patch I was talking to becomes a blonde guy with a new mustache and no eye patch, it's a little bit silly.
    The NPC's don't seem to match up when you go from Original to SoGA. It's not a huge deal, but it shows that NPC appearance isn't as big a deal as some might like (me included).

    Anyway, I don't see the existance of two model types being a bad thing. Customization IS king. It's what lets you shape your character into *your* character.
    The only issue that makes this.. well.. an issue, is the drastic difference between the models for particular races. Could have been a different style of the same race, but it looks more like a different race in some cases. Have pity on those that got beat by the Huh?-stick. For some people, it really does matter!
  3. ARCHIVED-Besual Guest

    M0rticia wrote:
    That's your right. And you can use /cutemode too if you like it. Nothing of this will affect my play experience. But if someone can force me to do (see) something I do not want then it affects my fun playing EQ2.
    Let us think a little bit further. After I'm forced to see someones model type is the next step forcing me to see his toon with max details / particle effects / best textures because he wants his toon to be seen this way only?
  4. ARCHIVED-M0rticia Guest

    Besual wrote:
    Scroll back a little and look at my previous posts. I'm not in agreement with the OP at all, just in case you were wondering. I think it is a ridiculous idea. People can either change the appearance of both model types and deal with it or play a class that has only one model. :)
  5. ARCHIVED-LordPazuzu Guest

    Easy answer: Performance issues.

    Besides, I don't want to be forced to look at anyone's SOGA models. I hate them and they ruin the feel of the game for me. Others feel the same way about the original models. Keep in mind that others not seeing you in the model you choose effects your game experience in absolutely no way at all, but forcing them to view you in a particular model does indeed effect theirs.
    As the saying goes, your right to swing your arms around ends where the next person's face begins.
  6. ARCHIVED-SilkenKidden Guest

    Cusashorn wrote:
    Do you comb your hair before going out? Do you expect people to see your hair in the style you chose? How would you like it if those who prefered no hair saw you as bald?
    In this one respect, I'd like the game to be a little less fantasy and a little more like the real world. I want others to see me as I present myself.
  7. ARCHIVED-Arianah Guest

    Silken@Butcherblock wrote:
    Yes, I do comb my hair before I go out, but not because I'm concerned how others are going to see me, because I want to like how I look I could care less how other people perceive me, and even if they see what you want them to see, it doesn't necessarily mean that's how they'll see you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.
    Until the day comes that someone else is paying for my gameplay experience, no one should be allowed to dictate which model I see on my screen.
  8. ARCHIVED-M0rticia Guest

    Silken@Butcherblock wrote:
    Oh come're seriously going to compare REAL LIFE to a GAME?
    I choose to see you in SOGA. Make a SOGA model that appeals to you and live with the fact that I choose to see you that way.
    My boyfriend chooses to see you in default models. Make a default model that appeals to you and live with the fact that he chooses to see you that way.
    I'll say it again:
    It would be a complete PITA for them to add this to the game (no, I am not a programmer but I am willing to bet it's no easy change).
    It would ruin the cohesiveness of the game for a lot of people. I choose to see everyone in SOGA form. It is what *I* WANT TO SEE. To have people running around forcing me to see them in default mode would ruin the look and feel that I prefer in MY game.
    Once again, I'll pull out the 'paying customer' card. I pay to play this game, I get to CHOOSE which models I want to see. Don't force me to see you in a way I don't want to. As a paying customer, I appreciate having a choice of which models I want to see.
    I don't see why this is so difficult for some people. I created a look for my character in both SOGA and the default model. I am perfectly happy with both and couldn't care less about how people choose to see me or what model style they prefer.
    PS - If someone in real life wants to see me as being bald, I think that would be pretty funny. Hey, it's their choice though. If they want to see me as a bald female, then go for it!
  9. ARCHIVED-Desna_Venekor Guest

    First off...I prefer SOGA, because the playdoh hair gets to me, and I try to get the characters to look good in both forms (though I usually play arasai/fae, so I don't have to guess what people are seeing me in)...but some of the forms look so drastically different there is no way how to get them to look like the same RACE, much less the same person. So on the OP's side, it's hard to match the character to what you want yourself to look like in both models, sometimes impossible. Right now simply "dealing with it" isn't really an optimal option.

    On the other hand, even performance issues aside....continuity would also be broken lore-wise/immerion-wise by allowing the proposed changes, because the races have such staggeringly different appearances. It would result in a world where you could have a group of say, high elves, standing in a group...and only half of them look like they're "high elves" and the others look like another race entirely. Plunk an old model and a SOGA model of an ogre side by side and see what I mean.

    I'd be more for the mjust broadening the hairstyle range of both models and fixing the bad cross-eyes of a lot of the older models, and somehow coming up with a middleground for ogres and such...
  10. ARCHIVED-Full_Metal_Mage Guest

    If I were ever forced to view any characters in those godawful SOGA graphics my accounts would be immediately cancelled.
  11. ARCHIVED-Malachani Guest

    I'm willing to bet even the most adamant anti-SOGA/anti-Default wouldn't notice nor care if the choice of how you show up in world was determined at character creation, rather than in the options window where you determine how everyone else would look. I use default models and most SOGA I find to be childish and/or out of character for this world, but if the ability were there to have both a SOGA and default elf standing right next to each other, to me it would just be "This is how Leillani looks" and "This is how Ravella looks" not "Ew that's SOGA and I hate it."
    And, I'm going to just start posting these pics every time this discussion comes up.... I support being able to display my character models how I want them viewed, IF and only if it can be done with no additional strain on players systems or the servers.
    [IMG] [IMG]
    Both my characters look infintely better in default models!!! And yes, I am "happy" with their alternate apperance, its the best I could do, but still think they look absolutely horrible.
  12. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    Malachani wrote:
    I think the exact opposite, the originals look blobby and unconvincing to me. You did a decent job on the SOGA ones though.
    Back on topic, I hate how this game looks on low settings. HATE it. noone is seeing MY characters looking like crud (which I guess even someone who likes the default models would think is what low settings looks like) so I want sony to remove the lower settings from the game. And unlike the silly idea of adding both types of models at once, it would improve the games performance as they would no longer need to tune the game engine for different levels of hardware, just make it work for flashy setups and all is good.
    (Sarcasm is the lowest for of wit but sometimes its all thats left in the face of stubborn silliness.)
  13. ARCHIVED-Desna_Venekor Guest

    Agreed, I like your soga models better than the originals...but then I hate the lack of shading on the original textures...they never look like they have any muscle tone, just one flat color.
  14. ARCHIVED-Malachani Guest

    In SOGA, my Halfling is far too skinny, legs are way too far apart, and her boobs and hips are too small. She does have a very cute face tho (but not very halfling-like, hollow cheeks are not a common feature on halflings). I won't deny its an attractive character model, it just doesn't fit as a halfling, it is more like a human child... a very skinny human child.
    The barbarian straight up looks awful. The clothes don't even fit (pants are like two sizes too big, shirt looks thick, whole outfit looks like badly melted wax, and the tatoos are blurry and unnatural. Plus you cannot make an even remotely attractive barbarian, they all have that hideous grimace like they sat on something wet.
    I know everyone has their opinion on what looks best, but would you, the strong supporters of SOGA, be honestly affronted if you ran into my default-model characters mixed among your SOGA world?
  15. ARCHIVED-Naubeta Guest

    The 'official' look of your character is the default model.
    The SOGA models are no longer supported (and never have been supported for non-asian EQ2 ).
  16. ARCHIVED-M0rticia Guest

    Malachani wrote:
    I think you look better in SOGA.
    The default models are...okay. I don't absolutely hate them and I'm not 'anti default'. When they were our only choice, I found them to be decent and created my dark elf exactly as I wanted with no real issues.
    When we were offered the option of SOGA, I immediately decided I liked those better and that is what I use. I see absolutely everyone in SOGA mode and I prefer it that way.
    I don't think you're going to win anyone over with your argument because people will have different opinions on what they prefer to see. To you, you look horrible in SOGA. I actually think you look better. :)