All this time and Sniper's Shot still sucks?

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-littleman17, Jun 18, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-billchivers Guest

    What I was trying to prove to you is that if you lower the cast time of sniper, you will raise the DPS of that art. Period. Regardless of any other factors. But you just dont seem to be getting that point.

    This is just semantics. Instantaneous DPS versus the average value. If you plot a graph of total damage dealt during a long encounter, then yes, lowering sniper from 4 to 1 seconds would make that tiny part of the graph 4 times steeper. But the overall change to the height of the graph over 10 minutes will be insignifigant.
    Lets say you squeeze out a couple of CA's for 5k. Even assuming that you won't end up waiting for them to refresh at some point anyway....
    if you parse e.g. 10k dps then after 10 mins of combat you'll have done 6 million dps. Its not even 1/10th of a percent to your total damage output.
    Course, if you want to get a good parse fighting a greenV then it'll help a lot.....
  2. ARCHIVED-Ranja Guest

    Veritan@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    You call it semantics - I call it understanding the mechanics of DPS and how to get the most DPS out of your character at any given moment in time.
  3. ARCHIVED-kartikeya Guest

    As someone who has done end game raiding (Anashti, Avatars) I can say that we do not stack up against assassins at all. However, I can also say that assassins have a load of competition too. The DPS scale for classes is and has been, but especially in TSO, completely on its ear. And if a ranger doesn't have a perfect group, as they often don't, their DPS will suffer massively. (like with any class really, but perhaps more). Our assassin is very well geared and puts out great numbers, but the swashy beats him (this may be a matter of positioning. A lot of TSO fights are absolute hell on positioning, and for an assassin that'd be a total PITA)
    Now, I don't have any Avatar loot and the folks I raid with are typically better geared, and I've seen parses from rangers with Avatar loot and it improves significantly once you start getting that. Still not, from what I've seen, to the point where you're actually pulling your DPS weight in comparison to other classes with the same gear, but much more respectable.
    I don't tend to top the parse even in pure ranged fights. What rangers do shine at in TSO is we can still be DPSing even when we're getting flung all over the place, and it's pretty steady DPS rather than lots of fast spikes. Frankly, I would be perfectly fine with this if I had something else to offer the raid, because I am sick to death of the DPS competition. The problem is that I don't, and the people who do can out-DPS me. My raid group is awesome, but I can't help but feel that I'd like to offer them more than what I'm capable.
  4. ARCHIVED-Ranja Guest

    kartikeya wrote:
    /agree. But at the end of the night raiding, I bet you are 1,2 or 3 on the ZW.
  5. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    kartikeya wrote:
    On trash.
  6. ARCHIVED-Ranja Guest

    Gage wrote:
    yep I agree - see my above post
  7. ARCHIVED-Zizzu Guest

    Ranja wrote:
    I understand better than you think actually.
    I understand what you saying that the added 3 seconds would increase dps in combat session. I never disputed that.
    My compliant is assassins have a .37 second CA while we are stuck with a 4.0 CA (which can be knock down a little with AA/mods). In the long run, are we going to start spiking like assassins if we lower Sniper a couple seconds? I doubt it.
    And yes, we do not stack well agianst assassins in trash fights. However, longer named fights is our bread and butter.
  8. ARCHIVED-Ranja Guest

    Zizzu@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    fair enough
  9. ARCHIVED-kartikeya Guest

    Ranja wrote:
    If only. I'm usually about 5-6. It depends on the zone, but in general.
  10. ARCHIVED-kittenkaboodle Guest

    Sniper shot and coverage are both good CA's you just need to learn to use them right instead of just hating them because assassins get a better CA. Coverage + Sniper shot + Mythical = constistant 50k+ hits. Works for me!

    Rangers require a tad bit more gear then your average scout. Your ranger doesnt have to be at the top of the parse everytime for you to still be doing good dps.

    Stream of arrows is the only truly worthless CA but thats a dead will be fixed whenever and rangers dont really need it to put out good numbers.
  11. ARCHIVED-Dirty Jack Rackham Guest

    Good luck getting Coverage to work. I have had terrible luck with it. Just too many nit picky things can render it useless. Not even worth my time trying to use it when I can get two other CAs off in the time it takes to attempt to use Coverage.
  12. ARCHIVED-kartikeya Guest

    "Good numbers" is very relative. I can go on a raid with folks who are lesser geared and fighting easier mobs, and sure then, I'll top the parse or come very close to it, and I'll probably be doing less than I would be with my regular raid alliance. Whereas with this regular raid alliance, while I'm generally doing much more DPS thanks to their buffs and gear, I'll be far, far lower on the parse list because everyone else is doing so much more.
  13. ARCHIVED-kittenkaboodle Guest

    Dirty Jack Rackham wrote:
    It works pretty much everytime i use it, and if it doesnt its easy to figure out why =/
  14. ARCHIVED-Dirty Jack Rackham Guest

    kittenkaboodle wrote:
    Glad someone can make some use out of that piece of **** combat ability. I can figure out why too. Either I'm too close, there are too many other mobs, the tank repositions the mob, the moon entered the constellation of Cancer 10 seconds after combat began. Okay, fine. I'll concede the point. It's MOSTLY useless.