ALL Buffs Dropping - Call To Guild Hall

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Morukta, May 27, 2022.

  1. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    I've been out grinding a little xp to level a couple of times recently, and each time that I called to my guild hall, when I zoned in EVERY single spell/buff/mount/etc had been cancelled. ALL of them.

    I'd swear I saw this reported previously, but didn't see it in my quick search.

    This is an awful annoying bug.
    Twyla likes this.
  2. Bludd Well-Known Member

    try setting your AAs to a totally empty spec, then commit it

    then build a new AA spec
    Twyla and Caith like this.
  3. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    I'll give that a shot. I haven't change my AAs at all (rarely adventure these days), but who knows. LOL

    That did the trick - after changing & committing AA profile, I zoned out into the world then called back to my hall without anything dropping. Thx!

    PS - still a bug! LOL ;)
    Twyla and Bludd like this.
  4. Caith Developer

    Glad that worked for you, this issue is typically due to having a saved "invalid" aa spec, where something in the 300+ chain of spells was failing to apply while zoning, and thus the normal character serialized spell data was being interrupted.
    Twyla likes this.
  5. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    I'm guessing it must be related to the patch on Tuesday somehow then - I haven't changed my AA profiles in ages, or gained any xp worth mentioning. LOL It was after the patch when I decided to head out from the crafting & research house to go see if Luclin was still up there when it started happening. :p
    Twyla likes this.
  6. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    Ok, so I dunno what's going on now - after spending some time getting a meager amount of XP in Skyshrine, upon calling back to my guild hall it happened again. Do I have to completely rebuild my main AA profile to make this stop??
  7. Taled Well-Known Member

    If you didnt rebuild it from scratch previously, yes. Simply recommitting wont fix it if the profile had an issue before, you have to empty it and rebuild.
    Twyla likes this.
  8. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    Did that this morning. Haven't had a chance to test it yet, tho. We'll see! ;)
    Taled likes this.
  9. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    After a full rebuild of my primary AA profile I haven't seen this happen again so far.
    Weird that I rebuilt it EXACTLY the same from screenshots I took before clearing & re-selecting everything.
    I'd still call that a bug, personally.

    Twyla likes this.
  10. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    Well, this is still a bug after all.
    After a full rebuild of my main AA profile (one click at a time), it's happening again.
    This time I used my call to home instead of call to guild hall, but it dropped all my spells/buffs AND my chronomentor effect as well.

    What else is necessary to fix this??

    EDIT: Seriously? WTH? I didn't even use a call spell, but when I leveled up EVERYTHING dropped again AND my mercenary disappeared...
    Something is definitely broken here....

    EDIT: And again, called to hall & all gone. This is annoying.
    Twyla likes this.
  11. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    This is still a bug. Full, from scratch rebuild and when I call -to hall, -to home, or when I level EVERYTHING drops.
    What's the fix???
  12. Bludd Well-Known Member

    did you actually commit a totally empty AA setup before building a new one?
  13. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    I also tried committing one of the default, built-in profiles. (the solo one in this case)

    I have gone in and just wiped the profile clean again after taking screenshots. I didn't see anywhere to flat out just delete the profile slot from the drop-down. I did notice while doing the screenshots that the Prestige/Wizard tab showed all the icons greyed out, but still listed 25/25 for points spent. Not sure what that's all about. (character is level 99, so not a lack of access to or preassigned issue I'd hope)

    I will try one more time to go thru the tedium of re-assigning all the points again later today when I have time.
  14. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    Went thru all the steps again...
    >complete roll-back to ZERO assigned points setup
    >saved over existing, primary AA profile
    >switch to preset, Solo profile
    >switch back to blank, primary profile
    > go thru all sections, all tabs, assigning points one-at-a-time
    >after done, open edit mode & save over primary profile

    After more time in High Keep (contested) and calling back to guild hall my spells/buffs didn't drop this time.
    Whether they will when I level is yet to be seen. . .
    Twyla likes this.
  15. Morukta The ORIGINAL Micro-Gnome

    I think the full rebuild worked. I haven't been on my main much lately, but the last few times I was grinding & zoned my spells/buffs didn't drop. ;)