All buffs drop on zoning

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Trakum, Mar 18, 2024.

  1. Trakum Active Member

    There is a little annoying bug that happens every so often on Test (has never happened to me on Live)

    When i zone or evac all my self buffs, mount, familiar , stat pet buff (Takish'His Peafowl) , Mystic Moppet Billy Disguise etc all drop

    Doesnt happen all the time but it's annoying when it does happen - not sure if someone can take a look at that.

    Just happened on my alt - Sawdustin between 930-940 EST zoning from Thundering Steppes to Antonica (if you can see anything in logs)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Denmum Developer

    When buffs all drop like that, it is often an issue with the AA spec. Edit and recommit your AA profile and see if it keeps happening, please.
    Twyla and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Trakum Active Member

    I will give that a go Thank you for the advice.

    This however brings up another bug in that case.
    I was using the ( automatically chosen ) pre defined server AA line
    (Server) "Basic Levelling Profile - Solo"

    Using your reasoning , that would mean this configuration is an issue and causes this bug
    Maybe we can have the predefine server AA lines looked at so they don't cause this to happen