Agnostic dungeon problems (level 96)

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Yannos, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. Yannos Member

    So i have been running a few Agnostic dungeons going from 92 to just leveling 96 earlier today.

    at 94-95 i was able to do some of them solo and able to clear very fast on my ShadowKnight. then when i "dinged" 96 and tried to run one of the same ones i was able to solo easily at 95 i noticed a MASSIVE drop off in my DPS and health.

    i went from AOEing for about 70k to 20k single target attacks from 20+k to 5k. my health went from about 50k to 11k. i tried to take off all my gear, go in with my wifes level 40 conjuror (who had almost 50k health while i had 11k) log off and switch characters and nothing has changed.

    is this how its supposed to be or something?
  2. Justaplayer Member

    You should be wearing the handcrafted lv95 gear at the least and you'll be fine again.