Age of Discovery, F2P, & GU62 Launch Day Schedule, Webcast and News!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Isulith, Dec 5, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-spiritgate13 Guest

    ment cst not est... cant type today lol
  2. ARCHIVED-Arabella Guest

    I got all the downloaded files, hit play, it tells me "The game is currently running" or something like that, and it just sits there. EDIT: While typing this it loaded to character screen, with everything locked, and the little running dragon at the bottom of that screen.
    Frankly, I'd rather wait longer than be rushed into the game only to be kicked out again due to problems.

    Arabella of Antonia Bayle
    90 Master Provisioner/83 Templar
  3. ARCHIVED-campbev Guest

    I can understand issues with going live, but the lack of status updates is very unprofessional. They could at least put up the new Everquest 2 website with maybe a blurb about ironing out some issues rather than going live and upsetting people with bugs etc. To see an Undergoing Maintenance page is uncomforting; I think I'd rather see a 404 page.
  4. ARCHIVED-Arianah Guest

    campbev wrote:
    There have been updates via twitter and Facebook. Currently still no new ETA.
    [EDIT] To note that I'm /not/ saying anyone should have to use either to keep updated, nor that updates shouldn't also be posted on the official forums. Just trying to help.
  5. ARCHIVED-Bekmar Guest

    campbev wrote:
    While I might have been inclined at one point in time to agree with you, sadly this is the norm for any game with an online component. I have yet to be involved in an MMO where the CS gave anything close to regular updates about offline status. When does the unprofessional become the professional?

    And as for the Twitter and Facebook updates. That's sort of a load of crock. The forums are their MAIN source of disseminating information to the masses. I'm willing to bet only a fraction of the player-base is having anything to do with EQII in their FB/Twitter accounts.
  6. ARCHIVED-bellemort Guest I can log in to FB....go find EQ2's site, sift through their crap there, and go make a twitter account, and clutter my online stuff up more....because we ALL have to have FB and twitter and be fans of EQ2 on em to boot. As previously stated, this is the MAIN source of information for EQ2, not facebook, and not twitter.
    The unprofressional becomes the professional when the professional adopt the unprofessional as standards of practice and it becomes the accepted professional to the masses in spite of its unprofessional nature.
  7. ARCHIVED-spiritgate13 Guest

    tick tock... this is annoying
  8. ARCHIVED-campbev Guest

    I guess I'm used to MUDs in the 90s where they would cut over one server at a time and actually provide status updates. Heck, maybe my memory isn't as good as it once was but I don't remember the original EQ being as bad as the industry has become.
  9. ARCHIVED-Bekmar Guest

    campbev wrote:
    You're welcome to hop onto telnet:// port 5000 and poke around!
  10. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    I don't Twitter nor facebook (still remember when a computer at one of my jobs got massive viruses from someone checking their facebook)
    Their Forums are right here.
    Just mentioning this point. ^_^
  11. ARCHIVED-spiritgate13 Guest

    hell if i had known that it would have taken this long i would have gone to the movies and seen 2 or 3 new ones
  12. ARCHIVED-swedago Guest

    Broomhilda@The Bazaar wrote:
    Take a nap...
  13. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    Any ETA on servers unlocking?
  14. ARCHIVED-bellemort Guest

    I was gonna put off wrapping christmas presents till later tonight and catch up on my SVU....guess I'll go do that now since there seems to be no end in sight for this crap....
  15. ARCHIVED-campbev Guest

    Mazra@Everfrost wrote:
    I just may, lol. <Looking for my puTTY thumbdrive.>
  16. ARCHIVED-Massiverage Guest

    New update on Facebook say's not until 8pm PST or later
  17. ARCHIVED-Darakus77 Guest

    time for some beer, pizza, and a movie
  18. ARCHIVED-Thlexian Guest

    We have to check FB for a status update?? Really?? I would think that SOE would want to have better control over their official sources of information. I am gobsmacked that they aren't posting status here, in the OFFICIAL thread.
  19. ARCHIVED-ShaenO Guest

    I was on for a short time earlier, at that point I got in far enough to see that my most recently played "live" character was available to play. Now if only I could get him from Butcherblock server to Freeport server where my current guild is, without paying $25.
  20. ARCHIVED-misskylieanne Guest

    I find that the game has gotten rid of the days I should have to it wants to make me a trial account. Is there any info on this type of error?