AFK - and Not Trying - is whats gonna kill Battlegrounds.

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Kunaak, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Never saw that coming... oh wait.
  2. ARCHIVED-Wytie Guest

    Not like it matters at that point, cause you never really had a chance to win that match anyway with that many losers who dont care.
  3. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Paill@Nagafen wrote:
    This is a true story
  4. ARCHIVED-Shorcon Guest

    This is a problem that has always and still to this day plaques wow. When you add the report afker and afkers get kicked due to being reported you end up with people who abuse the afk vote. When you implament a vote afker that shows when the player is inactive for a period of time they will start move botting. ie. step forward every minute or so. When you add do some damage or no tokens they play the first few seconds with abandon lookin for something to hit or heal and................ the list goes on and on. The only true solution is manualy GM moderating random games and watching the afkers. When they are found to actualy be afk. Give a warning. Real life calls sometimes and peeps leave the keyboard to take care of it. If they are found continuously afk ban them for 1 month. It only takes one GM and at random times to do this as part of thier already packed day and will be effective when people cant play the most addicting thing thats happened to eq2 since release.
  5. ARCHIVED-gdawg311 Guest

    easiest and most efficient solution would be no tokens for the losing team.... play your game get good, get rewarded...

    soe is rewarding people that fail so hard at this game. its no wonder they cant succeed in anything in game or in rl.
  6. ARCHIVED-Crismorn Guest

    gdawg311 wrote:

    Rewarding players for this type of activity will be what wrecks Battlegrounds, not the lack of interest as so many believe
  7. ARCHIVED-Neskonlith Guest

    Ahlana wrote:
    Need a GM to drop in and Ban-hammer players like that. Banned cheaters = no problems!
  8. ARCHIVED-Rothgar Guest

    How is the AFK voting going today? I've checked the logs and see that people are using it successfully, so hopefully its cutting down on the AFK problem. Sure, there will be some edge cases like someone 4-boxing a group and going afk, but we can try to handle those on a case-by-case basis which should discourage people from doing it.
  9. ARCHIVED-lollipop Guest

  10. ARCHIVED-g0thiC_iCe_cReaM Guest

    lollipop wrote:
    bleh you changed it before I could respond to getting pwnt while boxing :p
    I've boxed my warden in BGs, it was hella hard, but I had a lot of fun, didn't do too bad either ;)
  11. ARCHIVED-Anien Guest

    Crismorn wrote:
    No reward for not winning would kill Battlegrounds faster. I know me on a Blue server would have no intention of going in there knowing i have a good chance of getting a badly unmatched PUG where chances of winning are slim and waste 20 minutes of my time for nothing.
    I think other issues in Battlegrounds need worked out now that we at least have a voting system which yes still is flawed but I can live with it what I hate is that in a span of less then 2 minutes a battle in ganak can end because they allow flag carriers to use run buffs. And the responses of well root or stun doesnt work to well because in order for melee classes to stun they have to be in melee range which is difficult if your running at 20% but the other person is at 70+%, Same goes for roots at that speed its very easy to get out of range quickly. When someone has the flags it should be as though they are in combat and speed buffs should be suspended. I also have noticed more people are capturing a flag going back to their base and just hanging out on the very top of their building above their flag if their flag is gone. Very hard to get up there and knock them off.
  12. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    Crismorn wrote:
    Look we all know that you think newer players, or those who arent familiar with PvP or whatever exist to provide someone for you to kill for tokens all day, but you might have to recognise that unlike on a PvP server, on BGs they have the option of just not playing that game, which is what they will do rather than be farm fodder for gankers.
    If you want to have anyone to play against then you will have to acknowedge that they too will need some reason to take part and some progression method.
  13. ARCHIVED-gdawg311 Guest

    shaunfletcher wrote:
    then just give all the carebear QQing newbs full sets of gear and be done with it. then we can stop giving them tokens when they still continue to lose and can't figure out why they are still dying with full pee v pee gearz.
  14. ARCHIVED-shaunfletcher Guest

    gdawg311 wrote:
    Oh dear, you forgot to say bluebies or tell us to L2P.
    I actually enjoy battlegrounds and might very well play them with no loss reward.. I guess I won 1/3 of my rounds so far so no biggie for me. Not everyone is an ex PvPer who doesnt care if they lose though. Id like to have more people to play with than just PvPers , hardcore guildies and indestructible old farts like me.
  15. ARCHIVED-Crismorn Guest

    Neihn@Kithicor wrote:
    Then you would not get the gear.

    The rewards are in place, the incentive to care about winning over losing are not.

    Looking at how you get 3 shards for winning and 1 for losing looks great on paper, but it practice you get what we have right now with the afk/not trying crowd laughing their butt off how they can once again go an entire year getting heroic+ rewards for little to no effort "grey shard runs rd2."
  16. ARCHIVED-Anien Guest

    Crismorn wrote:
    yes there are issues with AFKing but the solution is not to punish everyone. Why should I be punished for working my butt of to try to win when others went afk or just gave up? Give me a GOOD answer to my question.
  17. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    Neihn@Kithicor wrote:
    Even though this isn't the point of the thread, I have to say I agree with you when it comes to the runspeed stuff. I play a brigand and can boost my runspeed up to like 130%, which of course caps at 100% but if I get a snare etc, it takes it from the 130% value so it takes multiple snares to slow me down much. Flag carriers really should be slower runners.
    I highly disagree with you on your other point. If both flags are in the other team's hands that's when the game actually becomes fun.
  18. ARCHIVED-Anien Guest

    TheSpin wrote:
    I just brought those up as other issues that they need to start considering while we see how well the AFK voting goes. What other point are you referring to? I have no issue with both flags being under 1 team control I have issues with the fact that you can get up on the outpost walls (the wall right above where the flag spawns in the base and be out of reach. Your only hope of getting to someone in that spot is if you can get a caster to stay alive long enough to nuke em down providing the caster does not get a "Can not see target" message. Which is what happend to us in the few times i have seen this.
  19. ARCHIVED-Crismorn Guest

    Neihn@Kithicor wrote:

    What you see as a punishment I see as an incentive to play and win
  20. ARCHIVED-Torrin Guest

    Rothgar wrote:
    So far it's of no help. Come up with something more automated please.
    Especially noticable in the 24man BGs you get people that will hide on ledges or fly and faefall jump from the disk to some obscene place and just sit there. And it is a detriment to the already skewed match-making system. I just did a 24man BG with 5 people afk. 2 of them were 2 of our 5 healers. 1 of the 5 afkers was also the Raid Leader so the groups didn't get reformed at all.
    2 AFKers i've had the unlucky pleasure of having in our raid the last 3 24man BGs i've done. And they always hide on ledges and the times I did call them out they said I was lying ran to the nearest opposing team member they could find attacked and died just to not be kicked.
    I understand the 1 token for losing, sometimes you get some really bad group match-ups or a random pug vs a geared premade.. it happens. but please find a better system of getting rid of the AFKers that offer no help at all to their team. if they are AFK for 2 minutes, disconnect them is an idea. Sure they may setup macros to spam jump or whatever but use the same system you have setup for it now, they have to take action against the opposing team.
    I mean 24man is only 20minutes long, 2 minutes is a lot of time in a 20minute match. Klak is generally what 7-10mins? Not done a lot of Ganak but that one too i've seen AFKers, more specifically ones that get up on the ledges of their own bases and just do nothing or suicide and sit on the revive ledge etc.