Adrenal Flow AA appears to be bugged

Discussion in 'Beastlord' started by ARCHIVED-Karelyn, Dec 9, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Karelyn Guest

    The 'Adrenal Flow' AA is supposed to delay loss of savagery for 20 seconds after leaving combat. If you kill a mob using autoattacks it appears to work correctly , and you get an Adrenal Flow buff that lasts for 20 seconds.
    If you kill the mob using a combat art then you don't get the buff.
    From reading the details of the buff you get when it does work , it is supposed to cancel when you attack or use a combat art , presmably so it vanishes when you start the next fight.
    At a guess what is happening is that if you kill your target with a combat art then you get the buff for a brief moment and then immediately lose it from the art that was used to do the killing blow.
  2. ARCHIVED-Raz_wolf Guest

    I have too seen its buggy behavior. Though i was under the impression it works if you kill with a CA, but if your pet or a advantage kills it does not apply.
  3. ARCHIVED-Lejoni Guest

    For me its actually more buggy than that.
    I have not paid attention to what happens from what and when.
    But sometimes it works correctly (I asume then when I kill with a autoattack)
    Sometimes it dose not work at all.
    And sometimes my Savagery never starts to decay after combat has ended.
    Have 5 points in Andrenal Flow
    Also sometimes Savagery will start to decay during combat for me, while Im not using primals.