Admonishing SMite upgrades?

Discussion in 'Templar' started by ARCHIVED-Lamprey_02, Nov 26, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Lamprey_02 Guest

    Has anyone seen admonishing smite app2 or better anywhere? I've been looking but I can't find app2 on any vendor, and nobody's selling adept1 or app3. Does anyone know where they drop, or seen them for sale otherwise?
  2. ARCHIVED-Leezrd Guest

    I have app3. Look harder =)
  3. ARCHIVED-Tharca Guest

    I have been looking on the Qeynos broker and on the blackmarket (FP) broker every day for app3 or adept.
    I couldnt find it either.

    So please give us the name of that crafter :)
  4. ARCHIVED-ThikNoggen Guest

    They exist on Mistmoore
  5. ARCHIVED-Piany Guest

    Not seen anything above app II on Runnyeye. It you really want it I suggest you get in touch with a scholar/sage.
  6. ARCHIVED-Zabumtik Guest

    I have app3 on Unrest. A few copies out there. Hits for 90ish points of damage.
  7. ARCHIVED-Gwynet Guest

    I was lucky to find the adept 1 for this... I was hitting up to 150 or so on blue mobs at level 26. Still can't find the app3 of most spells on Guk either though, or at some insane prices.
    Message Edited by Gwynet on 11-28-2004 09:19 AM
  8. ARCHIVED-khrokhro Guest

    where did you get the adept1 version of Admonishing smite to drop ?
    On Mistmoore we have a few sages that craft spells up to mid 20s for reasonable prices (around 15s below 20 and around 50s for >20)

    It seems that some adept1 are very common and some others are very rare. I am still wondering if it is a reality in the game (more chances of dropping x spell than y spell) or just the fact that some spells drop in some specific area, and overcamped areas will lead to a market flood with 1 type of spell (combat healing ad1 on mistmoore by ex).
  9. ARCHIVED-Zabumtik Guest

    Adept spells can be made by crafters. At a cost, however. This is why you see some adept level spells costing much more than dropped adept spells. I paid 30 silver or so today for an adept 1 of Sign of Weakness. Which I'm assuming is player-made since I've NEVER seen a Sign of Weakness Adept drop. Well worth it when it comes to healing my group.
  10. ARCHIVED-khrokhro Guest

    Adept1 are all dropped and cannot be made by players. Only one that can be made yet are App3 and Adept3.
    App2 are sold at merchants and Adept1 and Master 1 are dropped
  11. ARCHIVED-Drakhiel Guest

    Made myself an Adept III admonishing smites an it rocks^^ :)

    At 21 Templar i dish out about 80-100 Dmg to yellow cons (my max. 111Dmg)

  12. ARCHIVED-Donte Guest

    Just got a sign of weakness adept one drop last night from a skellie
  13. ARCHIVED-Xitix Guest

    Search the market during off hours for a better chance of getting spell upgrades. I do a search for Item Type:spell scroll and Maximum Skill:Barely Begun. Get 2 or 3 pages during prime time and 7+ during off hours after prime time usually early morning EST.
  14. ARCHIVED-Gwynet Guest

    It was on the Freeport broker, so my guess is it drops on Freeport side.
  15. ARCHIVED-IlluvatorBrightstar Guest

    Gwynet, App3s are in abundance on Guk, if you look in the right places :p