Achievment green Problems

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Thand, Nov 30, 2023.

  1. Thand Well-Known Member

    early on you get a a 126 green adorn that levels as you earn achievements which is cool. The problem with it is to fold 1 it has to be Equipped when you get the achievements for it to level up. This is a Problem because most do not even fine a ring high enough to Equip the green till you are neat the end of the solo line. So all the ups from kills,quests,exploration etc achievements for most people are wasted. It Should of been a Flag.
    Tyger likes this.
  2. Taled Well-Known Member

    For anyone else worrying about this thanks to this post:
    Rattophaxe and Celestia like this.
  3. Balcerak Well-Known Member

    Yeah it doesn't seem to be an issue. I was upset at first, but then did the POI quests and got two rings that I could put green adorns in from that and from some other solo quest a necklace for another. After that, every first kill of anything went to the green adorns and they are maxed.