AB Mod Caps for each Priest?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Regolas, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Regolas Well-Known Member

    Can anyone provide me with the formula for working out how much potency increases spells so I can work out AB mod caps?

    I just want to have a few numbers available, e.g.

    If I have 350 pot and spell is 10k heal, what's the AB mod cap?

    What about at 400 pot or 450 pot?

  2. alQamar Active Member

    Go to the http://dragonsarmory.com and look up your toon. Under the spells tab there is a list of AMod cap per spell. The highest is your hard cap.

    The formula should be something like (base*(potency in% +100%))* 1,5 as hard cap
  3. Sylke Well-Known Member

    That's really hard to tell you without knowing your stats.

    But, the simplest math is

    (BaseSpellValue * (1 + Potency%)) / 2 = AbilityModCap

    So, if your base Heal was 2000 and you had 300% potency...
    (2000 * (1 + 3)) / 2 = 4000

    Note that "Base" means before any gear or AAs is applied to the spell, so you'll typically have to unequip everything and maybe reset AAs/Traits to find the real base.

    Regarding Dragon's Armory... their Ability Mod calculation is very very wrong. (At least on their old page. The new "beta" or whatever version is much more accurate.)
  4. Regolas Well-Known Member

    Thanks, but this raises another question...

    Your example uses 300 pot to give 4k AB mod.

    Now, I was under the impression that the AB mod cap is 50% increase to spell base, but potency counts first.

    That to me indicates that the higher your potency, the less AB mod you need to cap, as just your higher potency brings you closer to that magic 50% increase in base.

    Yet your sum example shows that if your pot was 400 instead of 300, AB cap would be 5000.

    So have I totally misunderstood how AB mod is calculated? I was sure it was "increases your spell by up to 50% extra than base, but potency is calculated first".

    Edit - Your calculation indicates that AB mod increases your base amount by up to 50% ONCE potency is added. I'm sure you're correct, it just wasn't how I interpreted it.
  5. Sylke Well-Known Member

    Correct, Potency is calculated first, then the AM cap is determined based on 50% of that value. Crit and Crit Bonus is added on later.

    Note that AAs that boost heals by X% are counted with Potency. So if you have an AA that boosts a heal by 10% and also have 300% Potency, your Potency for that heal would be 310%.
  6. Regolas Well-Known Member

    What about item effects? Like that Draconic Hoop that adds 10% heal and procs a ward? Or the chain hat (both crafted items)
  7. Sylke Well-Known Member

    That I am not sure about. I would assume it applies as Potency, but that could be incorrect. I know that buffs/temporaries that say they boost the value of wards/heals by X% are applied as Potency.