AA Help Plz/Warlock Help

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-Tiko_7801, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tiko_7801 Guest

    I have 27aa's on my wizard. I will be finishing my betrayal to warlock tonight. I box a pally so aggro will be zero issue, i am wondering what AA's i should go after to maximize dps (obviously grabbing aftershock first) but not sure what other lines to do.

  2. ARCHIVED-Mailvaltar Guest

    There are quite a few topics covering the AA-questions already, but I'll still give you an advice or two.

    I definately wouldn't go for Aftershocks first. The only thing about the explosives line that I'd call "obvious" is, that in the long run you should put some points there (at least 3 Chaosstorm, 5 Absolution, 5 Apocalypse). We are AE-specialists, aren't we? But that's not No 1 on the list imho.

    I personally went for AGI first. Faster casting and recasts do help in any given situation, and I can't imagine a Warlock build without it.
    After that it depends all on personal choice, I'd probably go Hastenings second and STR third.

    If you have the AA-Mirror, I'd recommend having a Setup for Group and Raid-stuff, and one for soloing (if you actually do solo, that is).
    If you solo much, 10 points in Magi's shielding are great. Also the phys. Mitigation in the STA-line does help, and Manashield saved my butt more than once.

    Good luck.

    Edit: I just remembered that you're two-boxing. You obviously won't need a solo-setup then. I recommend: AGI 4-4-6-8-2, STR 4-4-4-8, Hastenings, Explosives, WIS 4-6-4-8-2, Propagations, in that order. Then you'd be at AA level 132, leaving 1 point for the Sorcerer-tree and 7 points for the Warlock-tree.

    And on a personal note: multi-boxing sucks imho, do it solo or find people to play with.