A suggestion for a package to be sold via the in game store

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Jovie, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. Jovie Well-Known Member

    I assume that you have access to the Lotro store, right? Can you pop over there, go into the tradeskill section of their store and look around.
    One of the packages that they sell are a max level boost for harvesting.

    Steal this and sell packages in the eq2 store.

    Harvesting is needed for tradeskilling, and leveling it up is a long and ugly chore.
    Since you already sell max level tradeskill boosts, it only makes sense to add a harvest boost as well.

    Please and thank you.
    Geroblue, Cusashorn and Raeven like this.
  2. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Give me one for factions, please. I know there are some epic questlines that require tons of actual faction grinding just to get good enough to progress to the next part. I wouldn't mind a way to start a new toon with the faction-work that I've already put into the game with Ouka.
    Jovie and Geroblue like this.
  3. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    I like both ideas.
    Jovie likes this.