A Roleplayer Says Hello

Discussion in 'Roleplaying' started by Neversplash, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Neversplash New Member

    Hey, I'm Never and I've just discovered EQ2... that's right, first time ever coming to the world of Norrath. I'm a seasoned RPer whose seen his prime in SWG, WoW and GW2, but it has been some time since I've come upon a solid RP community. GW2 was the closest thing to it - in fact, the RP was great - but I just never could get into the game itself. So far, I'm mesmerized by EQ2 and wishing I'd have come upon it during the golden age I'm sure it had many years past. But here I am, and I'm eager to make a few friends.

    I've read through the forums and probed the RP server a bit, and I'm well aware that the RP community here is spread thin. But I'm willing to be patient, and I'm hoping there are a few people here that would welcome a new face. I'm planning on moving my account over to Silver and contacting a few of the RP guilds I've sniffed out in-game soon, so I hope to see some immersion in the days to come. For now, I hope a few of you will be so kind as to say hello.
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    The RP server does have a community, it's thin and unfortunately Blacklisting does exist. You will find RPers scattered around other servers too but they are fairly quite about it. I wish you luck with it.

    I would post something RP from Estred but I am too mix-minded currently to attempt using an incomplete translator to even try to follow her method of speaking sooo... welcome to EQ2 :D
  3. Bansidhe Active Member

    Yep,it'd thin on the ground,and come's in a lot of varying styles,but the RP is out there if you look and try for it,I presume you know about the rplfg channel?,good for making contact at least,and seeing what guilds style may suit you best :)
  4. Neversplash New Member

    I did not know of the RPLFG channel! I'll check that out today, and thanks for the heads up. And it's a shame to see a notice of caution upon introducing myself to the community, but I suppose that shouldn't surprise me. I was a part of a massive RP community on SWG's Starsider server, and there was quite a bit of blacklisting/elitism there.

    Glad to meet you both, and I hope to see you around soon!
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    My words of caution are more because I know a few unsavory types and I really would hate to see a newcomer get burned by being uniformed. There is ton's of good RP in EQ2, you just have to find it.