A problem I have

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Vastranis, Nov 29, 2014.

  1. Vastranis Member

    Is that I basically have no need to actually log in to the game.

    EQ2 has basically everything I would ever ask for in an mmo. The world is large, creative beyond belief and mostly open. There are collections(such as grubs, shells, butterflies etc) so you can just run around collecting stuff. The lore is so VAST it actually crushed me-perhaps this has got something to do how the said lore is presented. See, neither swtor nor WAR nor LotR:O crushed me and something tells me that you would agree with me that they have way bigger lores(all three-SW/Warhammer/LoTR). Classes are unbelievably fun AND diverse, the quests are charming and fun(at least they are in NH/Kelethin), crafting is just where it should be. Hell I can even wear whatever I want in appearance slot-this includes weaponry! I have never seen before and somehow I doubt I'll see this ever again in an mmo. The ability to show different weapon than I am actually using. SO. FKINN. EPIC. Therefore, all my characters look just as they should(as I envisioned them).

    ...so where's the problem at? I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'd say that it has something to do with the lack of being able to speak in game. I know that f2ps are intentionally limited this way so as to combat gold sellers(scum of the earth really), but this really impacted me. Also, crafting feels kinda pointless if I can't actually SELL what I manufacture. Ultimately-I feel like the game didn't grab me. Actually it did, but in the wrong way I feel. Instead of giving me good story with challenging bits for me to look forward to(such as say, GW1, swtor etc) it swamped me with quests and gave me ultra easy content. Really, why is it ok to overlevel stuff(unless you disable combat xp) or to have such stats you can literally pull 4 or more normal mobs of same level/level-1 and don't have to worry about anything? If I were to condense my thoughts into few coherent words they would be:

    Lovely. Innovative. Rich. Pointless.

    See, the last word just voids everything else I like about this game.

    I really wanted to like this game, but it seems it isn't meant to be. There's just this HUGE invisible wall between me and fun here. What a shame.

    If you have any, but I mean ANY, suggestions, please DO leave them here. Maybe it'll help. Or maybe it's about this:

    "I am not ready for a full time mmo such as EQ2-all I ever wanted was a time filler because my mind is tangled in with swtor. Until I am finished with that one - long time - I won't be able to enjoy myself here"

    Who knows eh?
  2. Leeroy 16 year vet. Forum lurker. Altaholic.

    Unlock the (VERY FEW) restrictions upon yourself (and add a bunch of "carrots") by subscribing. $15 US a month is chump change unless you're on a limited income. I pay yearly and for me it's even cheaper, at $120 US a year. I think you'll find yourself logging in more and more once you take this step. Why not? Comparing it to SWTOR is apples and oranges anyhow.
  3. Vastranis Member

    Yeah, I am on a very limited income. I can't spend money on games until financial climate(at least in my family) improves(I have next to no hope for my country).

    Basically, the only things that annoy me are: no mercs without AoD(yet you can see them) and no chat(now this is... GG).

    I...just don't know. What with upcoming swtor expansion and my return there for my 3rd and 4th story...I just don't. Yet this game has so much potential-that much is visible. The sentence that would best describe it would be:

    "I just can't relate with it"
  4. Feldon Well-Known Member

    They should make it so if you purchase at least $10 of anything on an SOE account, then chat unlocks. Getting rid of silver was a mistake IMO.
    Finora, Katz and Vastranis like this.
  5. Vastranis Member

    Yes, yes it was.

    If it was possible, I'd scrap up a tener and buy mercs and get chat as an added benefit(even if it meant picking through trash). But to no avail! /shame
  6. Raff Well-Known Member

    Join a guild, Vastranis. You'll have guild chat then and in game voice if you want. Even if you still mostly solo, you can still talk with guildies.
    Dulcenia likes this.
  7. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    That's what I was going to suggest. Voice chat works, too, but you need to meet players to who use it...and joining a guild is great for meeting players and making friends.
  8. Malleria Well-Known Member

    Honestly, this is what happens to older games. They just can't keep all levels and all items and all content 100% balanced and relevant for 10 years. It's impossible. The starter zones might be easy, but as you get into higher content you find a lot more of what modern MMOs have - heavy scripting, interactive events, and challenge. Low level crafting isn't a hugely rewarding activity, but at the higher end there are a lot of useful things you can make and sell.
    Finora likes this.