A place to live

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-dracoarato, Oct 21, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-dracoarato Guest

    I am sure we have all thought about it at one point. When are we finally going to be able to free Rivervale from the evil clutches so the halflings can move back?.. Part of what drives people to not like certain aspects of the game is the close quarters caused by living in one of the two cities. I realize you can now live in MajDul and soon you will be able to live in GFay or somewhere close to it I imagine. But what about the other possible places? There has been nothing new to Rivervale. Things could still be played out as far as most of the quests there. It is never impossible to change things that need to be changed. You already have a blueprint of what the livable homes should look like. Free the town and surrounding and I could imagine that many of the "shorter" races would flock to live there once again.
    One of the things that is always talked about in the speeches given by either or major cities factions is expansion. For one it is freeing from evil clutches, the other is expanding the reaches of power. So EXPAND ALREADY!! I for one would LOVE to see some of the cities we once knew, free from evil clutches of denizen powers and made inhabitable by players. Spread out the realm making it easier to bring more in :smileywink:
    I'm not certain if this has ever been brought up, and I'm sure those wanting to argue certain points will be more than happy to do so, but its just a thought I've been playing with for a while.
  2. ARCHIVED-Sydias Guest

    I think there should be one corner of Rivervale renamed The Land of Kenmore and have houses made out of refridgerator boxes. Halflings don't need more room than that.
  3. ARCHIVED-The Dark Savant Guest

    If Rivervale is ever freed from corruption, they need to replace the music there with the original EQ1 Rivervale theme.

    Doo de doo de doo dee doo, doo doo doo de doo
  4. ARCHIVED-Zabjade Guest

    I'm pretty sure it is on some live event drawing board mostl likely when Bristly manages to get his prophet woken up. The Drafling is a heavy sleeper.

    Probably happen around Bristlebane's Day if it doesn't end up being a prank.
  5. ARCHIVED-Drew Davis Guest

    That's the theme that drove me, bit by bit, repetition by repetition, to insanity and evil in the first place. I bet Scholar Al'Quylar has it on his iPod.

    Wouldn't it be interesting if you not only could rescue Rivervale, but you could corrupt it back and turn it fully to evil? All the deputies change alignment from neutral to evil, and start killing good players as if it were Freeport. There's a risk if you move in to good Rivervale -- it'll be awfully difficult to reach your house if you let it get corrupted again. Same if you move in as evil, and someone converts the whole zone to good.

    (I won't go so far as suggesting that the conquering evil army be allowed to loot through the houses of the residents...)
  6. ARCHIVED-Amitee Guest

    What about the Erudites? (no, Im not an erudite!) They just mysteriously hang out in their little part of town, you never hear a peep from them, rarely seem them out of their confines..... I think they are very anti-social! I also think they are up to something..... What an evil little expansion their lives would make!

    I'm sure eventually SoE will get around to many, many towns. In fact, there will probably be so many towns, that people will be upset because the world is spread too thin....

    But, at least halflings have a slice of their old life, *and* they get two *whole* zones (EL & Rivervale) for putting around in for lore and fun. Not to mention some of the more entertaining quests thru Antonica and TS involve little roaming halflings...
  7. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    A red name of some discription has already stated that an update to Rivervale is in the pipeline sometime in the future. It was not mentioned if it will become a livable city, or if it will become a new starting city (although i believe the thread the comment was made on was about how it was unfair to make a new city only for 'good' toons without adding one for 'evil' toons too).
    Makeing it a starting sity will cause a few headachs though, I mean, how will they fit content for T1 - T3 in there so that adventurers are ready for the T4 zone that is EL as soon as they leave RV. I am sure they have something in mind, and dont really care what they do, but the fact that RV is about the only non overland zone in the old worls that has not had an update says, to me at least, they have something more planned for it.
  8. ARCHIVED-Dakkon_1007 Guest

    I think they should add in alot more cities, but Freeport and Qeynos should remain the only starting cities.

    It is nice when you are traveling through the shattered lands to not have to go all the way back to your city when you need to check broker sales or stock up on goods. I think more cities like Kelethin, Tunaria, Rivervale, Maj'dul, etc would make the world seem more connected. You shouldn't be able to start in alot of them tho, but you should be able to do residency quests like Maj'dul.
  9. ARCHIVED-Jai1 Guest

    My poor poor Neriak. The greatest city ever in EQ1... if you could find you way out of 3rd quarter that is. Rumor has it that it is now Fallen Gate which sucks. Bring us back Neriak and let us poor DEs out of the LSA slums!
  10. ARCHIVED-Uanelven Guest

    I believe fallen gate is the foreign quarter only. ;)