A note about this forum!

Discussion in 'Spells, Abilities, and General Class Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    This forum is here to discuss the mechanics of the game, solely as relates to spells, abilities, and class matters that affect ALL the classes.
    We still want specific class, subclass, and archetype discussions in the Class Discussion areas.
    Please note, also, that while this forum WILL be read, not every thread will be responded to (since the poor devs would spend their time doing nothing but posting if they tried to do so ;)).
    Please keep things civil. Remember that, as always, you are allowed to express negative viewpoints, provided that you do so in a respectful and socially acceptable manner.
    Also very important to remember! HOW you ask a question determines if it can be answered.
    "Why is my class so broken?!?" or "When are you going to fix my class?!?" are examples of questions that really have no answer.
    "I feel that x and y are wrong with my class and would like to know if you mean for it to be this way and if it can be changed." IS a discussion that can happen.
    So be aware that phrasing is important :)
    Thanks all!