A Neriak Connecticut Dark Elf in Queen Bayle's Court?!

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Wintir, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Wintir Active Member

    Hi Folks,

    I've reviewed the various AA accomplishments and I do see some quests that are a fusion of both Freeport & Qeynos quest lines. Is there a trick (other than betraying) to getting access to the quest arcs from Qeynos/Antonica? A disguise? Invisibility? Or is it just not doable without betraying? That would be a shame :(

    In the case of the latter, perhaps Sony could introduce some type of solution.

  2. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    I believe you have to betray in order to have all the npc talk to you.
  3. mouser Well-Known Member

    I don't know how many this holds true for, but I went through all the starter quests in the qeynos starting areas (peat bog, Oakmyst, ruins, etc...) as an evil dark elf. Once you get past the guards the quest givers don't care who you are. I don't know how far that goes through. I've heard of Sarnak and Iksar needing to use those shapechanging stones we've all got collecting dust in our house vaults to look human for some quests as well.
  4. Naudi Active Member

    I've been doing what Mouser has done. I'm only hoping I can get to 10k Qeynos Guard rep before I get denied due to alignment!
  5. Wintir Active Member

    Thank you for the feedback.
  6. Akina_Storms Active Member

    it's also true for low level (20 and less) areas of Freeport for a good alignement character.
    but those quests don't count for the achievement.

    and they're only a few of them, so don't count on them to achieve more than 5K faction for Qeynos (or Freeport).