"A lost sister" reward?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Reloc, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Reloc New Member

    "Charm rewards from the quest “ A Lost Sister” have been upgraded to be more in line with current raid rewards."

    Now, what do i do if i muted/sold it already? can i /petition to have it returned?

    new reward / old reward

    this is a major change to the item,

  2. Reloc New Member

    FYI - this was from the patch notes for 12/13/12
  3. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I was bummed because I did the heroic and raid version, and since I was disappointed with the 150 stats I sold them both. I would love the chance to be able to have it again, since now it's been nerfed and I could actually use the item.

    Reloc likes this.
  4. Tylia Well-Known Member

    Maybe the major difference is you are comparing the heroic quest reward version with the raid quest reward version?
  5. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    Gah, I sold mine off too. Can we have em added to the Shady in Nek?
    Draylore likes this.
  6. Estred Well-Known Member

    Yeah I think I inadvertently did the same muting/selling them both. For those of us who did this can we get a rollback of a Mana for each item? (thus if muted the value is not gained or lost).
  7. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    A question.. how the receive a raid version of a charm. To kill raid melanie and right after go to jenny? I killed both in a raid and in a group... is it going to be a mess to receive a desired one? Thanks.
  8. Tylia Well-Known Member

    You must have completed Jenny Everling's quests on the beach before you will be able to do either the heroic or raid locket quests. Once you have completed Jenny's quests, then after you kill Melanie in either the heroic or raid instance, you will see a ghost of her walking around. Click on her [ghost] and you will receive the locket quest. Then return to Jenny on the beach. You can do both the heroic and raid versions [I did the raid version one night and the heroic a couple nights after that]. The "old reward / new reward" that is linked above shows both a heroic version (old reward) and a raid version (new reward). ;)
  9. Ramone_AB Active Member

    I was going to ask how do you get the quest.. Thank you for the answer :)
  10. Kraeref Well-Known Member

    Thank you Tylia! I got Jenny's quests on a beach finished:) i can do two a lost sister quests, that's so great! :)