A Kerran in Kunark

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-kyrrah, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-kyrrah Guest

    So I tried once or twice at writing an epic thread like Niko or Ekkuth. I failed mainly because I didn't stay interested. So I'm going to try a new format.
    This is my T.V. series story. That is it's going to revolve around a main character, and have some repeat characters and some that aren't. It's also going to
    be more like a sitcom int that each post will be an "episode", an excerpt if you will. I will try to incorporate some adventure, some comedy, and maybe
    even some drama. We'll see. At any rate here's the first post. Enjoy (AND REPLY!!!).

    Sea Legs

    She finished packing up the last of her belongings making ready to depart the ship. They had finally reached their destination – the rediscovered continent of Kunark–
    after a rather long and tedious journey. The berthing she had shared with the other female travelers who couldn’t afford their own stateroom or hadn’t wanted to pay the extra
    coin the captain had charged. She fit into the latter category. That perverted captain charged an ungodly amount for a private stateroom and she wasn’t about to line his pockets
    with her hard earned coin. She gave one last look around the small nook her hammock was hung in, rocking gently with the ship’s motion, and satisfied she hadn’t forgotten anything
    made her way above deck.

    The sun was hiding behind a blanket of clouds today, making for cooler weather than they’d seen in the crossing. There was a slightly damp feel to the air. Instinctively
    she wrapped her cloak tightly around her. She’d always favored wearing layers of clothes and this day wasn’t any different. She was wearing the normal underclothes of all
    Norrath’s female population (well the civilized ones at least) followed by her chainmail armor which was then covered by a robe and cloak. The robe helped keep her armor
    clean which meant she had to spend less time on that unpleasant task.

    She made her way over to the girl she’d spent most of this trip with; a rather pathetic excuse for an adventurer, but endearing nonetheless. The poor thing had
    battled seasickness almost nonstop the whole way over. At the moment she was tightly clutching the side railing looking out at the growing continent ahead of them.
    She was pale, but excited.

    “Good morrow friend Jaedara. You seem to be in better spirits today. I believe the color has even begun to return to your visage.”

    Hazarding a turn to look at her friend Jaedara responded.

    “Good morrow to you as well Cixia. You’re right. I am feeling better, but how could I not seeing as we’ve finally arrived and I can leave this
    gods forsaken boat at last?”

    A low chuckle escaped the Kerran, who towered over her half elf companion. They would both be extremely happy to leave this vessel and its captain
    behind them. The accommodations had been cramped. Thrill seekers, merchants looking to turn a profit off of adventurers who were looking to explore the new
    land, members of races returning to a continent their ancestors had walked, all had made due with the lack of space. None of this had bothered Cixia. No, that
    pervert of a captain had been the worst part of it all. At least during his last run in with her he’d learned some manners, or that avoiding her was a better idea.

    The captain had a penchant for propositioning every female on his boat for sexual favors. Race meant nothing to him. Dark elf, high elf, kerran, ratongan,
    fae, human, erudite, it was all the same to him. Cixia had seen him proposition the other females. Some had agreed and some hadn’t. The problem began when
    a girl rejected him. At that point he would pester said woman until she gave in just to get rid of him. Cixia hadn’t waited for him to come around to her. He’d hit on
    Jaedara, who’d previously expressed that she didn’t want his attention but didn’t know how to stop him from repeating the same behavior. So Cixia sought him out
    and explained that if a woman wanted to bed him she’d let him know. Otherwise he’d be better off sticking to his job. The captain hadn’t taken kindly to that. He began
    to berate her quite loudly in front of his crew and a few passengers.

    Cixia had looked down on him (he was a human) during his little diatribe without a word. When he was done they onlookers saw her bend over and seemingly
    whisper something in his ear. After which he turned deathly pale, nodded, and walked away. He didn’t proposition anymore women after that and kept his distance from her.

    Jaedara seemed to be thinking about him too.

    “Are you ever going to tell me what you said to the captain?’

    Smirking she responded “I just told him that if he ever molested another female onboard I’d use an ancient Kerran magic to render him useless if you know what I mean.”
    She winked at Jaedara.

    The girl’s eyes grew wide. “Can you really do that?”

    “No, but he doesn’t need to know that.”

    Laughter erupted from the two as the ship pulled up to the dock and moored. They waited patiently for all the other passengers to disembark before doing so
    themselves. Stretching out all her muscles Cixia took a long deep breath of air. This new continent not only looked different, it smelled and sounded different. She felt
    her heart skip a beat as she wondered what was in store for her here. If the docks were any clue it was sure to be a memorable adventure.
  2. ARCHIVED-niko_teen Guest

    Woots glad to see that you're writting again. I knew that you just couldn't stay away per our conversations. Give me a little and I'll throw you some realy feedback but for the mean time jsut letting you know that I'm happy to see you back and cannot wait to have a chance to finish reading the thread and those that follow.
  3. ARCHIVED-niko_teen Guest

    Now that I've had a chance to read and digest. I wonder how much of my "kittens" comment from last week played into your story hehehe.
    I may be giving myself too much credit again but I still liked the perverted captain.
    /takes notes to cash in his raid gear, warhorse & rhino, then sell his house and belongings to purchase a boat for ferrying adventure's back and forth.
    Then agian... maybe that has already happened. wait no, you said human captain not woodelf.

    None the less I enjoyed you're tale and cannot wait until the next one.
  4. ARCHIVED-kyrrah Guest

    Episode 2 Healing to Death
    "I'm telling you my troll friend, there's no finer place in all of Norrath than right here. The salty air, the ocean breeze, the waves gently lapping on the shore and especially the travelers" his eyes lit up as the gnome continued "all work together to make this THE place to be. Why, I can't believe how lucky I was to be dispatched here by the Gnomeland Security Headquarters. But then again who else would they send? I am, after all, the leading authority on all things Drachnid." He neglected to mention he is also the only gnome known to study them as he always does. "Good thing I was free when the request came in. Otherwise who knows what would've happened? Most likely some poor unsuspecting gnome would've fallen prey to them." Puffing his chest out the gnome continued on.
    At times like these Brok wished he'd never talked to the gnome that day he'd shown up on the Kylong docks. The little man never shut up it seemed. The troll longed for the peaceful days he'd known before Charleston Gnomegomery and his incessant prattle. Brok was quite the intelligent troll. Among his people he was something of a genius in metalworking. He had invented numerous gadgets for torture and had improved upon troll armor as well. In the entire world there was nothing he loved more than the peace the forge afforded him. He was beginning to regret he had helped the gnome instead of eating him. Well he'd learned his lesson. No more trying to be civil - it doesn't pay well. Luckily the clang-bang of his work normally drowned out the gnome and the fee he charged for mending the travelers' armor and weapons afforded him a comfortable living as trolls know it.
    "I say what is that horrid smell and where is it coming from?" Charles (as most people called him) pinched his nose shut while making a frowning face. Brok breathed deeply and smacked his lips. It was the smell of fresh kill. It began making him hungry and he shot a glance over toward the gnome who was busy staring at another figure approaching the men. Briefly wondering how the gnome would taste slowly stewed he looked in the same direction and saw a tall kerran female striding their way. It was the one Charles had sent looking for drachnid body parts earlier that morning.
    Arriving at her destination Cixia emptied her bag of the various body parts she'd collected for the gnome onto his work table. She was covered in blood splatter and some other squishy stuff (who knows what the innards of a drachnid are called?) and smelled foul. "Here are the parts you asked for. Where's my payment?"
    "What are you talking about? Are you daft Kerran? I never asked for such things. Take them away and go bathe in the lake you smell worse than the business end of a tusker."
    Cixia leaned over the table toward the smaller man. Narrowing her eyes and barely moving her lips she spoke. "Look, little man, I am in no mood for this game of yours. You asked me for these items and promised payment for them." She pulled out a small tattered book and turned to a marked page. Pointing to a few lines for him to read she continued. "So I'll be taking that gold now one way or another. It matters little to me."
    "But you're a healer, you aren't supposed to hurt people!" he exclaimed. Cixia smiled, showing her fangs, and it made something inside him grow cold and twist into a knot. "Mastery of curing ailments means you learn how they are inflicted as well. Besides, do you honestly think I healed those drachnid to death?"
    Trying to hide his fright the gnome pretended to study the book. He had mistaken this Kerran to be just like the other travelers he'd met on the docks. They'd all gone to clean up before returning. This one didn't seem to be as civil. "Ah yes, well. Everything seems to be in order after all. My mistake. Yes entirely mine. Here you are as promised." He handed her a small pouch which she opened and then counted the coins before putting it away.
    She stood up and turned to leave when it occurred to him he could use her to accomplish something else. He called her back and explained how he'd lost the power train controller from a drachnid illusion contraption and needed it back. Cixia studied him for a moment and asked what he'd give her in return. Thinking it over he offered some more gold and a set of chain armor for her shoulders he'd picked up off the traveling merchant cheaply (he didn't mention that of course). She agreed and walked off.
    Brok smiled a little. He liked that kerran. Charles coughed and set about trying to figure out what to do with the bloody and very smelly body parts.
    (Edit for grammar.)
  5. ARCHIVED-niko_teen Guest

    heheh healed teh dracnids to death. I likes I likes.
    But i must say that troll should be living a richly life by now. I think I've financed his new mansion with my repair bills, let along the other adventures.