A Hero's Tale (Previously My Life Quest)

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-k40, Apr 22, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-k40 Guest

    My Life Quest

    Every gnome is given a life quest when they are born. Now I don't happen to be a gnome but I have seen my share of them and in fact, my best friend happens to be one. Finnder Cogglesnob he calls himself. I always liked the thrill of a good adventure and I've seen almost every place on the face of Norrath. During one of my travels I happened to meet ol' Finnder at a crossroad, he happened to get into trouble with the guards there so I offered them a little coin for the gnomes safety. After that we traveled all over the place together, it helps to have someone to talk to on those long journeys. I got to know Finnder inside and out, I could tell what he was thinking when he was thinking and the two of us made a great team. Finnder's life quest was to study a dragon lung, Now I dont know what purpose that would serve, maybe they think thats the source of fire? Who knows, gnomes....wierd, but anyways, this life quest gave me and idea. An idea of my own life quest...

    My family dates way back when, past the cataclysm. My great great great... well, eh very old grandfather Elgradus Wayfare (Which whome I was named after), according to family history, supposedly slew Vox single handed. Vox swore that in his afterlife as the Vision of Vox he would bring revenge to the Wayfare family. Ever since then, he pretty much has. Every member of my family has died at the jaws of The Vision of Vox...except my father. One Brew Day my father had a couple too many ales and wandered off into the Sands of Roe. Running into several Rujarkian Raiders, he was eventually knocked out and fed to Terrorantula. Other than that The Vision of Vox has had what he wanted...and according to legend im next.

    My life quest is to somehow rid the Wayfare family of its curse. I have no idea how much of this tale is true and if my family was hunted down by Vox or just died at its claws by sheer stupidity, but so far the legend has me convinced and ive decided to make this my life quest....

    -Elgard Wayfare

    To Be Continued...
    Message Edited by k40 on 04-25-2006 02:34 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-danous Guest

    good setup for a stroy there, please, more :)
  3. ARCHIVED-k40 Guest

    A Destiny
    As a lad I grew up in a little farming town not far away from Qeynos. The name of the town was Falthar, a town that many have never heard of before. To this day im not sure of it's existance but one day im bound to search for it once again. Falthar was one of those towns where you knew everyone and my family had lived there since the end of the cataclysm. My parents were poor, all I did most of the day was work on the farm to help my family get by, however, when I had free time I always practiced my swordsmanship. I enjoyed using the sword very much, I dreamed of one day going on a grand adventure, saving the land, and slaying dragons, although they are all childrens stories to me now. I mentioned my life quest was to slay The Vision of Vox, but ive never seen it, it all seems so unreal now, and the story of my grandfather? I have no idea...
    As I got older I practiced with my sword more and more. I was the best there was(so I thought), I packed my things, said good-bye to my family, and set out for Qeynos. My family had sought refuge there during the cataclysm but boy was I in for something...Qeynos had changed so much. I bought a small inn room in Graystone Yard and set out for some work. The first place I looked was the Qeynos Guard, how great it would be, I could finally live my dream.
    Soon after I got accepted into the Qeynos Guard we were sent away to the Isle of Zek. We were sent to crush an Orc uprising that threatened the thought of a Qeynosian Empire. Now I had thought I was good with a sword, but there were so many people in the guard, most better than I was. I fought through the war and soon after I returned home to Qeynos. I kept practicing my swordsmanship and eventually got to one of the highest ranks in the guard. Now, I was the best there was, you know how we heros are, underdogs, and thats just what I was. The guard kicked me out in fear I would take over it. I had gotten so good I could defeat any member of the guard easily. But I was fine with it, I had other things I could do...
    After the guard I had enough coin to set out on my own adventure. I left my home once again and set out for a trip around Norrath, not knowing what I would encounter. I traveled far and wide, I saw many places and became that hero I wanted to be. Finnder, the gnome I met at the crossroads, accompanied me and together we were a great team. It all seemed like it was my destiny, to be something great, and for one last time a chance to rid my family of the curse...
    To Be Continued...

    Message Edited by k40 on 04-25-2006 05:53 PM
  4. ARCHIVED-k40 Guest

    All In The Past, A New Beggining
    But that was all in the past. Once again my life quest seemed to be ripped away from me...
    I woke up just as the sun began to make its way up over the horizon. It was cold out here in Everfrost and I couldnt wait to get out of the place. I got up and drew back the cover of my tent to be welcomed by a friendly face.
    "Morning sleepy" said Finnder. "Want some breakfast? Just as soon as I get this darned contraption working...the grindle grinder......broken...smiddle....." his voice trailed off as he began to talk to himself.
    "Why dont you just make a fire?" I asked, a dumb question because gnomes always seemed to take the hard way, even though their "inventions" were supposed to make life easier.
    "Oh you will see, this is much easier, as soon as I get the coggwheel turning...the grindle grinder.....mufl..." his voice faded off again as he began working on the machine. "Ah, here we are!" Just then a big cloud of smoke billowed up into the gnomes face and the machine started to spitter and sputter.
    "Finnder, what are we doing out here...its not like it used to be. Im getting old, tired...remember the glory days? The battles we won, the places we traveled, side by side...me and you...."
    "Yes, of course I do" the gnome replied. "What do you say we start a new adventure?." The gnome seemed up for anything and probably didnt hear a word I just said. "Look here, remember this old thing?"
    "My sword! And all my old armor? But...where? I havent seen that in the logest time, and, I thought...I left it...Whats that? I dont remember seeing that." I reached over and picked up the sheet of paper laying on the ground. "Looks like a map. Whered you get this?"
    "Oh, probably some town, who knows, whats on it?"
    "Its....it...looks like a map of Norrath, the whole continent, but look here." I pointed to a large city by the ocean. "This looks like the ancient city of Xak Tsarath. Xak Tsarath was supposed to be completly wiped out by the cataclysm, but everything else is up to date."
    Heh, outta time for right now but ill write more when I get time
    To Be Continued...
  5. ARCHIVED-k40 Guest

    Well I was gonna continue this but I wrote a bunch, lotsa of detail and everything, turned out great and then didnt save for some reason, dont feel like retyping it so im done