A calendar of events?

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by blutree, Mar 17, 2014.

  1. blutree Member

    I've been looking for a comprehensive calendar of the in game regular events such as Brew day - is there such an animal somewhere?

    I've looked on the wiki and zam but no luck. I could just be searching for the wrong thing?

    I just found this - http://eq2.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Live_Events is this all of them?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Lizabethan Active Member

    /togglecalendar :)
    Kaitheel, Luperza and blutree like this.
  3. Finora Well-Known Member

    If you go into your options (alt o) under controls> window keys you can also map a hot key for the in game calendar.

    Looking at the in game calendar, it seems they've already marked down all the normal events for this year, down to the start date for Frostfell. There often are some pre- expansion events available in the weeks before an expansion release as well. We'll find out about that closer to the time though.
    Kaitheel and blutree like this.
  4. blutree Member

    Ooh thanks - I didn't see that in the commands list - ,much obliged
    Finora likes this.
  5. Luperza Community Manager

    The Wikia is a great place as a lot of people will check it first. If it's missing any events, we should get them added! :)
    blutree likes this.
  6. Gosh Member

    When will be next Vault of Serilis? Around April?
  7. Lizabethan Active Member

    That's a marketplace event, not an in-game one (so to speak), and will not appear on the calendar.
  8. Teacherspest New Member

    It's nice to have a calendar in game.The good idea will be to make data provided by the calendar to fit to reality.

    Brewday on calendar is shown as being still active today (18th march) but it is no more in fact since midnight on the 17th (yesterday).

    I suppose that Community Manager will as usual tell us that it is not a big issue, like every time that the provided informations are not correct...
  9. Lera Well-Known Member

    The calendar's correct. Brewday ended at midnight Pacific, so if you're east of there, it ends on the early morning of the 18th.
  10. Finora Well-Known Member

    The calendar is correct. It ended 3am on the 18th for me (east coast US). If you mouse over the start date it'll tell you exactly when it will start and exactly when it will end adjusted by the time on your computer.
    Kaitheel and Teacherspest like this.
  11. Teacherspest New Member

    DOH ! I just remembered that Summer Saving Daylight change allready occured in USA...

    We only have 8 hours of difference instead of 9 til last week-end of the month... I also never noticed that the name of event was displaying the details of the event in the calendar according to your own timeline, so I always checked with forum.

    I now understand the string of the events. Thankie for your feedback, Finora and Lera. ^
    Finora and Kaitheel like this.