A Baroque Pipe Organ (with pipes!), Qeynos Secret Society

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-Amphibia, Jun 30, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Voozoo Guest

    Amphibia wrote:
    u kiddin? that organ is pure madness!
    I will have to get 1 for my sk!
  2. ARCHIVED-Coldphyre Guest

    ROFL! Troll Chairs?!!? Pure brilliance!
    That pipe organ is awesome. The theme of the whole house is wonderful.
  3. ARCHIVED-megaira13 Guest

    Heck yeah, another voice chiming in to /thumbsup the pipe organ. That's awesome!!
  4. ARCHIVED-LadyVader Guest

    The theme, the pipe organ are all just brilliant! Thanks for sharing, I just have to go check it out in person!
  5. ARCHIVED-valkry Guest

    /note to self, get baby carppy to make a BUNCH of troll chairs to sell...
    Uh, sorry, Hi, yeah... I just wanted to mention... I also really liked what you did with the mirror in the 2nd to the last room. I've always loved the teak mirror art, but this was a vast leap And the sconces picked up the blue accent of the mirrors perfectly. The problem with such an impressive showpiece as the organ, is it takes about 2-3 reviews of the house to notice the 'other' details, but it was worth the revisits.
  6. ARCHIVED-Temprah Guest

    Well no one has asked and it's driving me crazy.. what is that "coffin" in the last shot???
  7. ARCHIVED-Illara Guest

    That is just amazing. Terrifically done!!!
  8. ARCHIVED-Alvos Guest

    Very creative, I loved the tour too!
  9. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    That pipe organ is FANTASTIC! I'll be visiting this house in person.
  10. ARCHIVED-Zindicatt Guest

    Amphibia wrote:
    *jaws drops* your creativity is simply amazing. How did you even think of that? It rocks!!
  11. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    Zindicatt wrote:
    Thank you

    I actually tried with book backs first, but that was a no go. Let's just say Denmom's Traders Corner came in handy.

    Oh, and to answer the question about the coffin, I think it's called Coffin of Regeneration or something like that, LoN item.
  12. ARCHIVED-Eddessa Guest

    Truely Amazing, you did a beautiful job!
  13. ARCHIVED-donilla Guest

    I could hear the strains of dracula music in my head when I saw that organ. Seems I was right in my premonition! And all the red themed rooms are fantastic. And I won't even begin to think about the patience needed to line up all those chairs /sigh
  14. ARCHIVED-MW2K2 Guest

    The organ rocks! When I saw the first pic, the first thing that went through my head was "DUUUUUUN, DUNDUNDUNDUNDUUUUUUUUUUUN" (Phantom of the Opera organ music from the 2002 movie). It really is a work of genius!
  15. ARCHIVED-cajun11s Guest

    Another vote of WOOWSERS!!!
    The pipe organ is one of the the most creative things I have seen yet......
    EXCELLENT job :)
  16. ARCHIVED-cajun11s Guest

    Ohh! And one more thought ----- I am offically asking permission (for many of us) to "steal" your concept :)

    I MUST try to make one - with your permission, of course.....

  17. ARCHIVED-Sorasha Guest

    That is just fabulous! Beautiful job!
  18. ARCHIVED-Barq Bandit Guest


    You get the Tock Seal of Awesome! *stamps*
  19. ARCHIVED-Lady Zagora Guest

    I want one! /begs and pleads to be allowed to drive myself nuts lining that up.
    And here I thought making a pool table was a kewl idea... /sigh
    Any chance we could coerce you into an item list of what we'd need? :)

    Zagora, Permafrost Server
    80 Illusionist with multiple Alts at various levels- all of whom want one of those ;)
  20. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    Thanks again all!

    Cajun11s: Of course you have my permission.

    Lady Zagora: Sure, I'll give you a list of what I used:

    Tynnonium Firepots - rare, made with tynnonium
    Emerald Fire Torches - rare, made with fire emerald
    Mistmoore Piano - collection reward
    Mistmoore Piano Bench - collection reward
    Thexian Wine Racks - non-rare
    Teak Bookshelves - non-rare
    Adamantine Pillars - non-rare
    Single Candles - non-rare
    Troll chairs - non-rare
    Colorful swear words in your preferred language - non rare

    I think this is all. Oh, and you will need a rather tall wall, probably at least something close to the height of 3 teak bookshelves on top of each other. So if you are in a different house than the Qeynos manor (or Gorowyn, those houses are friggin' huge), you might wanna check that before you begin.