90 Leveling Dirge Looking for Active Grouping Guild - AB

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Dawnya@AB, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. Dawnya@AB Active Member

    Hi Everyone,
    I am currently looking for a guild for my currently lvl 90 dirge, Journee, on Antonia Bayle. She is not my main, as most of my toons are in my personal guilId (primarily just my alts) I used to do progression raiding on her which was fun for a bit but it doesn't fit in with my schedule anymore. I just wanted to find a guild that groups doing the newer content (CoE, ToV) as I am going to be leveling her, a pick up raid here and there might be nice as well, friendly and talkative is a plus as well! Please send me a message on here or in game if you spot me!
