90 Guardian 196AA's Needs help with Skill Trees

Discussion in 'Spells, Abilities, and General Class Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Dementedone, Apr 18, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Dementedone Guest

    I have been out of the game for three expansions now, I got back in a few months ago and just last week I hit level 90 with 196 AA’s my gear is mostly Player made or Solo quested WOE, Ry’gorr’s I am in a guide that is just me and 5 friends, we don’t raid (I had enough of that in Eq raiding 20 to 40 hours a week every week in on the top tier guilds on my server I saw things most people will never see and I got burnt out but I digress)
    I looked in Google, I asked in chat channels and got crickets or posts two years out of date(tentonhammer info is older than that). So I am asking here for a Guardian that wants to be main Tank for his little rag tag group of friends and play about 3 hours a week and solo when no one is online what would be some good AA”s to get?
    I have re-spect’ed a few times I can’t seem to find a happy medium with my merger 196 AA’s
    I have a one hander and a good stout shield as well as a good two hander the last time I was in a raid level 50 or 60 was max and I was lewt with two pieces of Mythical armor and Frosty hand axe so don’t go too deep I am still playing catch-up
    I did a ring war and saw softies (robe wearers) with 20K more Hp then I have so I know things have changed I am sitting at 32k hp 2100Str
    DPS=Agro would it be better to go all DPS all the skills and get agro via DPS
    Skills=Agro go all skills that build agro and sacrifice DPS?
  2. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Hello friend,
    This post probably belongs in the guardian forums where it would have likely gone ignored ;)
    Here is an AA spec I would probably use with only 196 AA:
    Thats assuming your trying to run groups. If you're trying to just solo I'd pile everything into DPS.
  3. ARCHIVED-Dementedone Guest

    Thank you and you were correct I posted in one of the guardian forums and got crickets. but I will look at your link and see what I can do, it would be nice to be able to see the effects of an AA spec before applying it (other then the mirror kind of like you can see what a peice of armor looks like
  4. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    And dps=agro, and hate mod compounds it. So in the spec I linked it maximizes your hatemod and gives your group -hatemod which should result in you having enough agro control. It also includes a siphon for you to put on the highest dps in your group that isn't already transfering to you.
    Forget about that 2hander and run sword and board for the foreseable future.
  5. ARCHIVED-SisterTheresa Guest

    Even though I have 320AA, you can take a look at my EQ2U profile here and get an idea of what might be a good idea for placement. Mainly I am an off tank for my paladin guildie BUT when it comes down to it, I can grab aggro like a champ and take the hits!