60ish Flowing Thought upgrades

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-Shmoo, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Shmoo Guest

    Hello all, I recently bought my warlock a nice new robe and pants for when she hits 60, but it will replace my Poison Soaked Silken Drape, which has flowing thought. I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions for a non-raid-guild warlock for flowing thought items that are NOT robes or pants? I did see the silken hands of creation, any others out there? Preferably 60-65 level armor.
  2. ARCHIVED-Melseb Guest

    The Gown of Glory from the nest of the great egg in barren sky is a robe. But it has a power proc that will give you more power than all the flowing thought gear you can get at that level. Its an easy instance that as a lvl 70 warlock i can duo with a competent healer in like 20 minutes.

    70 Warlock
    Mob Squad