60/9 Mismatched Armor Looks & Missing Parts

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Tease, Jul 20, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    Was trying to match a set of armor for a customer, but it seems the developers are playing a cruel joke on us crafters.
    The leather Dragonhide set, as recorded by EQ2Traders shows the complete 3 Dragonhide color sets: Red, Black, Purple.
    Only the Black & Purple are intact. Red is limited to only two pieces, pants & tunic.
    Add the boots a bracer of the supposed same set and things go horribly wrong!
    Now look at the set we used to have when EQ2Traders had recorded them.
    When can we expect a fix for this? These recipes are in the Advanced Tailor Volumes 60 through 69.
  2. ARCHIVED-Tease Guest

    Furthermore, the Tranquil Windcloth has a very nice nearly-complete set, except the tunic is missing.
    So, the tunic is missing on this rather attractive set. There is a robe, but I think someone was asleep at the helm when effecting the change. Why on Norrath were these recipes removed?!?
    But the robe is ugly; there is a definite need to have the tunic replaced.

    Some sets have tunics, whereas the more attractive sets had them removed. Not sure as to why.