5 second delay scout weapon? Really?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Mindsway, May 30, 2013.

  1. Mindsway Well-Known Member

    Please tell me it's a mistake.

    \aITEM -1485792325 -1181473653 0 0 0:[Spirit Infused Steward's Hammer of Reckoning]\/a

    First of all thanks for the new spirit-infused Stewart gear, I'm really liking it (especially the weapons). However for scouts I can't help but notice that they get 2 4.0 delay weapons to choose from, one 6 delay, and then the monstrosity that I linked above that is 5 delay. Someone done goofed?

    Yes I know I could /feedback it or whatevs but really that feels like a waste of time for everyone involved. I get a semi-automatic reply thanking me for my input, and then we never speak of it again. So yeah. If someone had mentioned this already and it's already being looked into or whatever then lord I apologize.
  2. Estred Well-Known Member

    /feedback is actually more direct than forum posts and more likely to get attention especially if multiple players do it. Delay mistakes have happened. It happened for Brawler Weapons in Skyshrine where 1 dropped with 5 seconds, the Plane of War one was 4 second and the Drunder HM was 6 seconds.
  3. Mindsway Well-Known Member

    I'll /feedback it in all 4 of my accounts when I get a chance, for what good it's going to do.
  4. Ucala Well-Known Member

    Idk, if there is a matching one that is also 5s, I might like using 5s on my bard versus 6s :p
  5. Caith Developer

    I'll get this corrected.
    Mindsway likes this.
  6. Mindsway Well-Known Member