35 necro returning after 8 months, looking for places to solo grind

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Whimplow, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Whimplow Guest

    Coming back after 8 months, I want to see if some of my old favorite haunts are in the upcoming expansion. crushbone, Unrest, etc... Anyway I was looking for a good place to solo Grind. Im in encanted lands now and getting bored of turtles. Im not opposed to buying one of the $5 game packs if theres a good place to level in it, I do not have any of those right now, but do have all the other "store bought" expansions.
  2. ARCHIVED-EQ2Playa432 Guest

    Well you can probably solo the giants in TS or the other heroic creatures around Nek Castle in Nek forest at 35.

    The giants are 25-28 and the Nek Castle area heroics are 28-30.
  3. ARCHIVED-kellan123 Guest

    Honestly, Splitpaw adventure pack was truly made for soloers. I think you'll like it. There's an access quest that must be done to get the portal stone, but once you get it, the 9 minute Harclave run for 20% exp is worth it. (can only be done 1x per level, but 20% in 9 mins isn't bad)

    Plus there's the solo Arena, where you get to test your skills against 9 different types of encounters...I liked Splitpaw. Most of the zones look the same, so killing gnoll after gnoll in a cave got redundant, but the different quests made it worthwhile. Plus, you get to play with roamers, pulling stunts, a new DD spell, a new and easy port to south part of TS zone, I easily spent more than 10 levels there with my necro, soloing.

    Bloodlines was a bit different...need a good group of 35-40s to finish the questline. Problem is, not everyone bought it, and those who did don't want to go back and do it again.

    So I guess you have non-heroics in EL, Rivervale, Zek, maybe some in Feerrott...and then Splitpaw. Also, Splitpaw scales to your level...as you gain in level, they do too...so you can do a quest at 35 and again at 45 and the mobs will change level with you. All quests are repeatable, with Harclave being the exception. It's also cool to set those TNT barrels next to mobs while you're invis, light the fuse then run away. /snicker
  4. ARCHIVED-Velir Guest

    Yeah, Splitpaw is your best bet. I usually grind up to 48 or so then head to DoF. But with the expansion coming out I would imagine that there will be good solo zones/areas to level up with, so you might want to wait until EoF comes out tomorrow.
  5. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Splitpaw scales with level. You won't stop going there until you get bored, or you hit level 50.

    Enchanted Lands has stuff to do until about 40.

    Zek will also keep you busy til about 40.

    Feerrott will keep you busy til your mid 40s.

    Then of course there's Steamfont Mountains, just released with Echoes of Faydwer, that can take you from 35 to 50.