20 Guardian - Now What?

Discussion in 'Guardian' started by ARCHIVED-Gaffa, Feb 5, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gaffa Guest


    I just reached 20 Guardian last night, and now I have no idea what to do? What quests should I do now? What about armor and stuff? Am i supposed to do my armor quests now? If so, where do i go? Can someone post a laundry list of things to do once you reach this subclass,


    Gaffer, Oasis Server
    20 Guardian
    13 Craftsman
  2. ARCHIVED-Belce Guest

    What city do you come from first?
  3. ARCHIVED-Dalthenn Guest

    There are many things to do, but as guardian I would suggest you do your Armor Quests first. Armor Quests start out in different places - that is if you're from Queynos or Freeport. Armor Quests will keep you busy until level 25 at least; well it depends how quick you complete them - I was done with them by level 25.
    As far as what else to do...many quests you can do and many mobs & encounters you'll have to learn how to properly tank them.
    Most of the time you'll find good advise within this forum, so check here often :).