20 Additional AA

Discussion in 'Guardian' started by ARCHIVED-Tristin2, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Tristin2 Guest

    Okay guys, rather than continue on the thread that i created about zerks not being happy, I'm trying to figure out how we can use this time to be proactive before the expansion comes out...
    I'm wondering if I should continue tanking with a buckler when the expansion comes out. Giving up the STA line wouldn't be easy but i'm thinking if there is a better way to maximize our hate, dps and AOE aggro. Wouldn't it make sense to give up the STA line for the WIS line - - I say this with caution tho - as if i can hear people on TS or Vent sayin NOOOOO Tris don't do that.
    But isn't there an option to increase our "raw" DPS through the WIS line, and since mitigation is bound on the premise of diminishig returns, we don't need to put that many points in that paticular one. But Extra DPS, Haste from the INT line and Hate and Crits from STR wouldn't that = great agro for us? Only thing that bothers me about the WIS line is that its often a waste of used AA. I can't remember the name of the ability (because i can't remember the last time i went down the wis line) but it's supposed to knock toons on the ground. However, epic's are not effected. So its a waste of space.
    I'm not so sure tho of about giving up on the AGI line... The end ability of that option sure looks great for those really tough epic pulls. The AOE and Dragoon spin is sure nice, especially to launch after reinforcement. Anyway, I was just thinking of this formula: DPS+HASTE=HATE... Is that a necessary truth? - For example a right triangle = 90 degrees - we know this to be true.
    Here is what I've come up with- STR 4,4,4,8** (10% hate) - AGI 4,4,8** (40% AOE) - WIS 4,4,8** (i think this one is DPS), INT 4,4,8 (Haste). Does anything bother you about this set up for raid tanking. I'm thinking by giving up the Buckler, I can tank in offensive 24/7 to make up for the loss - only because i will be with a tower shield to make up the difference in mit, + i get more DPS, HASTE and HATE from STR. What's not to like about this theory?
  2. ARCHIVED-Raahl Guest

    Looks pretty decent to me. I was considering STR/AGI/INT. Maxing out the AGI line.
    But adding WIS is really appealing too.
  3. ARCHIVED-Sinister Guest

    think i will go 1 bind wound, 4/4/8 str, 4/4/8/8/2 agi, 4/5/8/8/2 int
  4. ARCHIVED-Wilin Guest

    Based on what I know right now,
    STR 448
    AGI 448
    INT 488
    STA 4481
  5. ARCHIVED-Bramwell Guest

    Right now I am considering this....I think it is a good combo of dps and a little extra survivability.

    This moment I am:

    Str448 Sta448 Int 487 (got a couple AA last night)

    I will try this:

    Str448 Agi41 Sta4488 Int48822

    I like the final INT ability along with acceleration strike and the final abilities of the other lines don't really get me too excited right now other than WIS but you waste so much on that line. If I got sick of bucker I would maybe go all the way down WIS for grinding out levels since belly smash becomes useful. The Agi41 might be put into the fourth INT +parry ability right now too...I am not sure yet if 5 points is worth the AOE attack.

    Any thoughts on this spec...good or bad? I am an OT in raids btw.