18 Hour Heroic 2 Lockouts

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Clintsat, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. Clintsat Well-Known Member

    Can we look at adjusting the Heroic 2 lockout timers to 3 hours? The current 18 hour timers make it nearly impossible to help newer/struggling players. Guilds with 24-30 man rosters (heck ours is 60) are not going to be able to keep everyone engaged when key people/classes are constantly locked out of content.
  2. Ziefren Active Member

    I second this - rough to help guildies or friends when were always locked to everything.
    Manafizzle, Jest, Silvered and 9 others like this.
  3. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    Agree, H2s should have same timers as H1s.
    Manafizzle, Jest, Silvered and 7 others like this.
  4. Bigstomp Member

    Just wanted to toss in and agree here. Because most raids run 2 or 3 tanks it's mathematically improbable to have enough tanks to cater to the number of people. Oddly our guild is one of the better off ones in terms of tank to non tank ratios and even we're struggling to get all our folks through.

    It's my understanding that it's on an 18 hour timer so we don't get all the content done and everything we need in a day.

    Maybe another viable solution, to keep us running beyond that first week, would be to add mount gear drops (that are actually upgrades.. Not haste ones lol), if each zone dropped one mount piece it would take alot of runs to deck out a 6 man group worth.

    Could also add adorns or the training potions to that rotation and it would increase even more the need to run those zones.

    Could also time gate with a currency tied to the quest timers which allow us to purchase useful rare goodies but take the same amount of time your hoping to keep us engaged.

    The truth is the heroics have been fun as heck the last few years (both mechanically and as enjoyable zones to grind).Let us play them and get rewarded by them! Seems like we're always stuck between waiting for long timers or having the loot ve absolutely unuseful. Which is weird in a game where we have so many spells, adorns, item slots, mount slots and stuff to activately level. Seems like there should be plenty of incentives.
  5. Brev Member

    Jest, Silvered, enotirab and 5 others like this.
  6. Dakwaur New Member

    OMG Yes, the 18-hour lockout is just unreasonable, it doesn't allow people to group as much as they would because timer syncing beyond 1 or 2 friends with different play times makes it impossible.
    Jest, Silvered, enotirab and 5 others like this.
  7. Solaria Active Member

    I agree with this 110%. An 18 hour lockout really limits the grouping opportunities for both large and small guilds alike. A shorter lockout like 3 hours would make more sense in order to properly promote grouping not only within guilds, but outside of them as well.

    I know as a healer it is difficult always having to say "nope, sorry still locked on that H2 zone" when I could be helping my friends, guildies etc when they need me. I am not even worried about getting added rewards or coins for extra runs, I just want to be able to group up with folks when a spot needs to be filled instead of sitting on my hands for basically an entire day.
    Jest, Silvered, Priority and 3 others like this.
  8. Taxet New Member

    Please let us play when we can. Don't hold us back please.
    Jest, Silvered and Clintsat like this.
  9. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    Please consider doing this on the next update.
    Silvered and Clintsat like this.
  10. Drona Well-Known Member

    That is the heart of the problem yet everyone here (players and dev) ignore that and ask for band aid solution.

    Anyway EQ2 at this point is band aid on top of bad aid so I too will support this band aid :)
  11. stink Member

    yes please this is a great idea!
    Manafizzle, Silvered and AvenElonis like this.
  12. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

  13. Silvered New Member

    This is something that most if not all guilds are struggling with and we are dire need of gear. Changing the lockout to 90 min. would be incredibly helpful to everyone not just raiders and it would bump the morale quite a bit across the board.
    Please and thank you!
    MercutiaRZ, Jest and Clintsat like this.
  14. Faev New Member

    The new manager of the EQ2 IP has been making much needed upgrades and changes to the game. Clearly heading in the right direction.
    Dealing with the reality of a game that’s not able to capture new players (read, good luck raiding on a brand new account spending only a couple hours a week gaming and starting with zero friends to group with), increasing the facilitation of groups is a no brainer.

    Please, stop trying to micro manage the player experience. Stop trying to force players into specific roles.
    Keep the lights on and the content rolling. Reduce timers, it’s a no brainer.

    Thank you for all that ya’ll do for this game. It is appreciated, keep it going.
  15. Juok Member

    Definitely difficult to find a group for even an H2 weekly in what is termed the largest guild on server. I agree that reducing the timers on H2's needs to be reduced to if not 3 hours 6 hours at max to accommodate allowing members of group that are able to play longer hours or more than a day or two a week to assist the ones that have very limited time windows to play in. If someone can only run once a day and they get a group at 9 am yet 2 or 3 other groups cannot run later that same day as they are missing that class as none are available it has people wanting to leave guilds, servers, and game all together.
  16. Jest Member

    Yes please Devs can you look at this - I agree with most of the comments above a 3 hour time would be reasonable to help get fellow guildies thro the zones to gear up for raids.

    Thanks in advance for reading
  17. dragonfodder22 New Member

    All it means is the people who will soon be selling loot from these zones will have more to sell. I'm in one of those guilds where people nearly break their arms patting themselves on the back about how much they're trying to help the 'new and struggling' players, but reducing the lockout timer isn't going to change anything practical for them. It just means the people who can run it as a matter of farming are going to run it more often.

    I'd rather you spent your time elsewhere.
    Pixistik likes this.
  18. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    At 3 hr resets - I could run a group in the morning, then in the evening and help get more people gear in guild. At far as seeing "stuff" auctioned, have not seen much of that on Madjul so far.
  19. Drona Well-Known Member

    Rather than lowering the lockout timer, why not get mobs drop more loot? Raid mobs should drop at least 3 items now that raid weekly no longer give gear.
    Silvered and Rasheti like this.
  20. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    LOL good for guilds doing raids at the moment.