100 coercer needs a new home that is ok with disabilities

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Izzy51016, Oct 9, 2016.

  1. Izzy51016 New Member

    I am looking for a guild where I and my hubby can do heroic groups and even raids. I haven't raided much up until now, I just came back to EQ a few months ago and my hubby just started, he is a wow convert.
    I do play on the free trade server just to be around nice people. I have a wonderful guild there but they do not raid very much.
    I have most of my long time characters on AB. I am in a great guild now, they are very helpful and nice. BUT-This is as long as you do not have disabilities.
    I have ADHD and OCD ( yes I am an adult- 46 to be precise) and I have a hard time learning new things, it's a struggle that I have learned how to deal with.
    My guild now is a tight group of people not a big guild, and if the guild leader doesn't like you they freeze you out.
    I went on a few outings with them and they didn't give me time to learn my way around or anything even though they were in the instance to help me level.
    I explained several times that I need to learn how to go about a dungeon and then I am good to go at break neck pace, but until then I get lost and it upsets me, because I learn things in a special way, I cannot help that.
    Unfortunately they see this as a personal slight, that I am not grateful beyond words for them running a heroic dungeon with me and then getting mad because I wanted to slow down and learn where I was going.
    I even wrote a letter to the guild explaining my disabilities and that I still wanted to be a part of things. I explained my disability and limitations. Now they do not even say hello or want me around. I feel totally lost now because I play EQ2 to be around people not get torn down.

    Is there a guild out there that will be patient with me until I learn the new zones?
    I used to raid and I was quite good at it, I love my coercer.
    I don't want to leave my guild but it's clear they do not want my kind of person around.

    Aanaphylactic lvl 100 coercer buffing people since 1999 xoxoxoxoxo
    WolfNamed and mimmie like this.
  2. mimmie New Member

    I don't run a guild but admire you for trying to educate such naive people. I too am disabled and it makes it harder to do things.
    I am returning to the game maybe i'll make a toon on you're server and who knows maybe one day we can group :D
    Izzy51016 likes this.
  3. Ratza Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry that you are feeling pushed out.....From my experience there is a vast difference between those who find gaming easy and those who have to work at it (especially those with disabilities) and sadly patience often gets lost between the two. Far too often people forget that on the other end of the computer screen or mic there is a REAL person. I've been in guilds where the assumption is that everyone knows what they need to do and you can fall behind pretty quick if you are not a self-learner. Personally I get lost in my own back yard....I'm not a leader per say but listen well if a person doesn't mind giving directions. But....I've been in groups were everyone ran off and I got turned around and well...the rest is history because I find mobs and then get everyone killed...LOL....I'm no newbie to this game....but am directionally challenged to the extreme.

    I hope you are able to find a guild that meets your needs. A good guild where you are happy is hands down one of the best parts of this game!
  4. Drusi_EQ2 Well-Known Member

    I'm also very directionally-challenged so try to avoid grouping with people I don't know, especially if playing one of my tank characters. Even when I have been main tank, I have often asked someone else to guide us through the place instead of me because I get lost so easily. It's even more fun when we are *all* lost easily since so many other adventures can happen at those times, but not a problem when in a group of nice people who care about having fun more than about being 100% efficient. :)

    Since you are on AB, maybe find a guild that is more focused on RP or decorating or tradeskilling and/or more family-friendly guild, and therefore won't care so much how fast or slow you are at getting through group/raid content. I've only recently returned myself so am not so familiar with the current guild landscape on AB, but one thing that seems to still hold true is that if you do meet people who you like and fit well with your grouping style, maybe whatever guild they are in would be a good fit for you too.
    HaphazardAllure and Izzy51016 like this.
  5. Sennetta Active Member

    I am on ab and help run a guild that's owned by my partner I have bipolar and we have a few people that have disabilities we work together to help each other disabilities to us don't matter we help each other out
  6. Sennetta Active Member

    if you don't have a guild yet please feel free to contact us at the legion of kaesora I am sennetta co-regent wed be happy to have you
  7. Ashenheart Member

    Not on AB server so I can't help you. But my son has severe CP so I do sympathize. I wish you well on your search.
    Izzy51016 likes this.
  8. Izzy51016 New Member

    That would be great! I am always looking for new friends :)
  9. Izzy51016 New Member

    Thank you all for the wonderful replies and suggestions. I have not read the posts until now, I was
    afraid of what people might say. I am happy that there are people out there in similar situations and overcoming them.

    I will definitely be in contact with some of you very soon! xoxoxoxoxo
    HaphazardAllure likes this.
  10. Sennetta Active Member

    feel free to contact me lzzy anytime Sennetta is my main alt shes co-regent of the legion of kaesora
  11. Goregutts Active Member

    Hi Izzy51016 , i am Gore leader of Defenders of the Realm http://1974.guildlaunch.com i think we may be able to help you. We have a few people in our Guild with mental illness and we are very patient with them in learning all content and toon building. Please visit our site ,read FAQ to see if we may be a good fit. NOTE: We are a voice chat guild and use Discordapp.com voice client,so you would have to have a mic and download this client. Most here have some kind of Military background and the average age is 30-58. We are on the AB server ,if you would like more info of would just like to talk further please contact me on my main toon Goreguard. Looking forward to hearing from you soon,from all your friends @ DotR !!!
  12. Sharrine New Member

    Hi Izzy - My name is Sharrine, I'm one of 5 founders of Brimful of Asha, a fairly new guild on AB. We have just raised our guild to level 114! Not bad since we have only been around since April. We have all types of players in our guild, some very experienced players, some challenged players, and some spacially challenged (like me) spin me around and I am lost! Our guild is very patient, caring and like a great big family. The only thing we frown on is drama, we ask all to leave their drama at the guild hall door. We are beginning to have regular guild raids - once or twice a week, and we also touch on role playing, and have a regular story hour by one of our guildies on a weekly basis. We would love you to stop by and visit us and see if it's a guild your interested in joining. We could be your new home! You can reach me on line (Sharrine, Mayaleena, Zayanna - my alts :) or other leaders: Veenn, Mournia, Nvayara. Just send us a shout! Looking forward to chatting with you.
  13. WolfNamed New Member

    I feel you, Izzy. I'm a 24 year old with ADD, ADHD, and Asperger's. My Asperger's makes it even harder for me since I sometimes make things over complicated (I don't mean to) and sometimes things are too complicated for me. Sadly cause of my disabilities, I have a hard time staying on a game for long (or even getting a maxed toon). I try to though. I'm also looking for a guild. I have a level (currently) 7 sandark (not sure if I spelled that right) shadowknight. I'm hoping to get a casual guild with voice chat.
  14. MadamVastra New Member

    Hi Izzy, I feel for you, I am returning after 6 years of being gone and trying to get back into the swing of things - I have several disabilities my self (Chronic fatigue, Chronic pain, ADD, OCD, Chronic Migraine, and possible Lupus - waiting on tests) so I am always looking for like minded people - I am still learning how to use the UI - and would like to put some of my toons in a guild (even if I spread them out among a few, so I have a RP one or whatever I am in the mood for) I have 6 toons in total. 4 on old account 2 on new account. most on AB a few on skyfire. Add me and I can give you the names of my other accounts. I will be looking for a guild(s) soon or a group of like people to help me get more into the game as I come back. I can read all I want on it - but do better when people can walk me through things. As long as they are patient. I look forward to maybe seeing some of you around. It is nice to see we are not alone. :)

    My Main Characters:
    Madamvastra on AB - Neriak - Iksar
    Pennyfire on AB - New Halas - High Elf