10% sales commission?

Discussion in 'Tradeskill Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-dogbrush, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-dogbrush Guest

    It's probably me being stupid & missing something but is there a new feature where you can get reduced sales commission? I checked the prices on an item today & found somebody selling with 10% commission! I have /bugged it just in case :( (3G 99S 90C is 10% of 39G 99S - see the bottom of the screenshot) [IMG] edit: added some detail
  2. ARCHIVED-Kitsune Guest

    Can't do maths to save myself, but the image says 20% commission for Kelethin sellers, not 10%....
  3. ARCHIVED-dogbrush Guest

    I had to double & triple check it! To find 10%, shift the decimal point to the left one place. They're selling for 39.99G, commission is 3.999G (10%) :( Edit: added one to many 9's in my excitement
  4. ARCHIVED-Kitsune Guest

    Ah! Would have been better to put that info on the Post to make it clearer.. :) No not to my knowledge is there any reduction unless you sell from you Home. The fact the maths is 10% but the quoted rate is 20% shows that bug you found up.
  5. ARCHIVED-dogbrush Guest

    You're quite right - it was a tad obscure! Edited my original post, thanks :)
  6. ARCHIVED-Shonshazzitt Guest

    The 10% sales commission comes from the 1095 day (3 years) vet reward, you get a 40 slot salesman crate.
  7. ARCHIVED-Devilsbane Guest

    Oh that reward gives a 10% reduction? That makes the reward worth using now. When I first heard the crate only gave 40 slots, it seemed to be as usefull as the 1 day vet reward (12 slot adventure pack). Now I can use it for my high priced items. I see another use when the undercuts come around as well. One of my favorite pricing strategies is in terms of 83.33% (83g 33s 33c=1p on broker, 8g 33s 33c= 10g, 83s 33c=1g). Now I can pocket an extra 8% (90g=1p, 9g=10g, 90s=1g).
  8. ARCHIVED-DasUberFuzzy Guest

    ok, first off, why didnt they mention this somewhere, like on the itme? also as a carpenter, i'm both angry and happy about the reward, angry: once again, soe sees fit to just give away one of the few things we can make that useable and needed. that 40 is only 4 under our 3rd biggest salesman crate (28, 36, 44, 52, 60). this new discovery of 10% is more then enough to make it usable in replacement of 44's and possibly 52's for high price masters and fableds happy: it is, as i discussed with my roommate, bringing to like the wonders of house sales displays to people. i've sold more salesman crates (mostly 60's) in the last few days then i've ever seen. (whats kinda sad is that the people getting this 3 YEAR reward dont have/use house displays yet, and if they do, they've gotten much bigger boxes by now, even making the 10% moot.)
  9. ARCHIVED-Didi Guest

    Hm ... I think this is debatable. Remember that the 10% commission (or any commission) only applies if people DON'T visit in person. The 10% is what people will pay to buy it through the broker. If they visit in person, they don't pay any commission anyway. So, someone selling high price masters and fabled items isn't going to have any advantage using the claimed 3 yr reward over a carpenter made one -- everybody is going to visit in person to buy high ticket items. You'd actually be better off using the 10% commission crate for low price items like harvestables that people will buy in bulk without bothering to visit in person. But the type of person who's making their living selling these is probably not the main customer for the most expensive carpenter made sales crates anyway. Folks selling high-price items will still be better off simply using the biggest ebony ones simply because they hold more. So, on the whole I'm not too upset about these. The carpenter made ones are still superior, and hey, as you say, maybe this will encourage people to learn about them and use them more. The main thing I don't like is the 10% commission -- that's just adding another layer of confusion onto the already confusing broker commission system and I just feel it's unnecessarily complicating things.
  10. ARCHIVED-dogbrush Guest

    Thanks for the info Shon, I received one of these recently & didn't examine it so my fault as I predicted! It would have been useful if they could have stated 10% commission on the item though - would have saved a lot of confusion! The item in question is now subject to a bizarre undercutting exercise - normally, you get those that undercut by 1cp or 1sp but now there's a gap of around 6-7 GP to make up for the 10% difference. Doesn't really bother me at the moment as I have lots of items for sale but as more and more of these rewards enter the game, they will cause some confusion in the market!
  11. ARCHIVED-TaleraRis Guest

    It is on the item. Dunno if it's a recent change, but when I examined mine it did tell me about the commission. Only way I knew.
  12. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Mine's not showing it on examine...
  13. ARCHIVED-TaleraRis Guest

    I just hopped in game to check and I don't see it there. I claimed mine 4 days ago and I do recall finding out about the 10% from the item itself. I thought it was just another selling box that might be pretty until then.
  14. ARCHIVED-Tel-Zoran Guest

    Anyone know if you get a discount from enemy cities? Will it be 30% if I'm a Qeynos citizen buy from a Freeportian? Telzoran
  15. ARCHIVED-DevilDice Guest

    [p] 20%.[/p][p]The crate cuts the commission in half. [/p]
  16. ARCHIVED-KerowynnKaotic Guest

    [p] *ponders* ... [/p][p]Might be nice if they (SOE) went back through and changed the Sales Display boxes to have a COMMON / RARE type instead of just the Rare type. [/p][p]The Rare type could have the 10% reduction and the COMMON could be the no perk version. [/p][p]But, at the end of the day .. the person can still only have 1 box (reduced box) active at anytime. They can only /claim 1 per character and only 1 character per acct can be selling at anytime. [/p][p]But, hey! Feel the "love" the Tailors have felt since day 1 when it comes to Bag Rewards. Ferrrott Fern leaf bag is 30 slot! No Tailored bag goes that high. :([/p]
  17. ARCHIVED-Ogrepaladin Guest

    [p]Somehow, when I /claimed by 3 year reward, I understood that this crate cut commissions in half. So it mentions it somewhere when you get the item.[/p][p]And yes, it cuts the enemy commission to 20%. And yes, there are actually those of us who just buy the item, instead of running all over Qyenos to find a house--though the higher the price the more likely I am to run.[/p]
  18. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    It didn't originally on examine; it does now.