10 questions that get asked alot and some answers.

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-Atdan, May 12, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Atdan Guest

    I’ve been reading these boards for a long time and I keep seeing the same questions over and over so I’m going to put down some of the most asked questions in one post for those up and coming warlocks so the search will be a bit easier.

    1. What is better Wizard or Warlock? Well it depends on your play style. Research the classes further and pick witch one you think you’ll have the most fun with.

    2. I just hit 20 and I’m not seeing the insane DPS I hear warlocks can do. What’s up? You get Dark Distortion at 23 and this spell will change your life as a Warlock. This is your first heavy hitter and should be upgraded to adept3 as soon as possible

    3. I’m about to turn 30 and already have DD is it worth getting BSS? In my opinion yes it is. DD will out do the main damage of BSS until level 37 but it’s nice to have the dot and the hp regen. Also if you’re in a group with multiple warlocks it best to use DD and not BSS.

    4. I have some rares what spells should I upgrade to adept3? In my opinion the ones I would upgrade are Frozen Manacle, Dark Distortion, Noxious Bolt, Steal Breath, Nil Distortion. These are the only ones I can comment on I’m 34 and these are the ones I have upgraded so far. (You get Nil Distortion at 37 but I have the upgrade in the bank)

    5. I’m getting ready to betray can I still be a warlock? Yes you can be a warlock in Qeynos or Freeport.

    6. Do warlocks have trouble finding a group? No just put your LFG flag up and within minutes you’ll have a lot of invites.

    7. What Fun spells do we get? At 20 you get Krayliths Curse of the Toad – changes you or a group member into a toad. At 30 you get Krayliths Minor Familiar- You get a toad to follow you around. At 35 you get Yreths Bat vexation – Changes you into a bat. At 40 you get Yreths Flying Familiar – a familiar to follow you around. At 45 you get Erqus Hex of the Rat – Turns you into a rat. At 50 you get Erqus Emissary – You get a familiar to follow you around.

    8. Can I play a warlock with a low INT race? Yes you can there is some nice gear out there to help raise your int. Play what you want and like this is a game and YOU have to like what you play not someone else so have fun.

    9. Can Warlocks solo? Yes you can solo with your warlock. It’s a pain to solo in your lower levels but once you hit 23 it becomes easier.

    10. What affects the damage we do to a MOB? The mob’s poison/disease resists affect on how much your spell will damage it. Use your debuffs to lower these resists so it will take more damage. Steal Breath at 27 is a great spell to use for this.

    These are the questions I see the most and for you higher level guys please post what spells you would upgrade after 37 please. Also most of my answers are my opinion and if you disagree with some of what I have said please feel free to add yours. The more info we can put out there the more we can help our fellow warlocks reach their full potential.

    Chipper Bogglecog
  2. ARCHIVED-WaachBack Guest

    Nice post.

    For adetp3 spells 37+ I would recomend:
    1. Nil Distortion
    2. Grisy Contract
    3. Nil Absolution
    4. Devastation
  3. ARCHIVED-Sac_joker Guest

    I would also recommend that if we no longer want to see "I solo'd uber Mob X" threads then we should ALL quit replying (positive or negative thoughts about it) in the existing threads about them...keeping them at the top of the visable list isn't gonna help people forgot it is there.

    I didn't want to post this in that thread so as to not keep it at the top of the list. Hopefully people see this.