1-29-05 Friends List : Empty

Discussion in 'General Tech Support Questions' started by ARCHIVED-Khudson, Jan 29, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Khudson Guest

    Lucan D'lere

    It seems fairly random, as not everybody is affected. Though throughout the night I have had people I know login to see they are having the issue as well. Not everybody, but a good portion.

    As mentioned, its not simply a cosmetic issue where I can no longer see the names on the friends list. Instead, the friends list in itself no longer works to any extent. Be it adding, removing names or even that the so and so logged in/out messages no longer display.
    Message Edited by Khudson on 01-29-2005 10:07 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-Khudson Guest

    Just found another issue popping up in relation to this. Or at least I assume it is in relation to it since the same people with the friends/channel problem are also experiencing the problem listed below.

    When you set yourself afk, be it with the default afk message or a custom; the afk messages no longer send an auto reply to those who send a /t your way.

  3. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Yup, on Guk my friends list and ignore list on both characters are empty and can't be added to.
  4. ARCHIVED-BattleFalcon Guest

    Okay, just went through all my seven characters to see how things are.

    One character on Splitpaw IoR Qeynos: Channels work normally.
    One character on Lucan IoR Qeynos: No access to world channels at all, can't use custom channels.
    One character on Lucan IoR Freeport: Same as for Qeynos.
    Four characters on Lucan, all Qeynos citizens: World channels have been dumped from the world channel window into the custom channel window, and while I can tick them, the ticks vanish when I click ok. Custom channels also remain unticked.

    All are on one account.
  5. ARCHIVED-Sememmon Guest

    This happened on Mistmoore as well.
  6. ARCHIVED-Liandra Guest

    and on runnyeye too
  7. ARCHIVED-koffan Guest

    I am on Lucan DLere server and my friends list has disappeared. I now use screenshots instead of my friends list :p
  8. ARCHIVED-Tagga Guest

    I just noticed this on Permafrost. Maybe it is all the servers characters were transfered from? I'll never be able to recreate my list.
  9. ARCHIVED-Seregfear Guest

    no world channels on innovation, this for all of my chars ... nice work sony ...
  10. ARCHIVED-iwens Guest


    Friends list is empty and i cant add them again
  11. ARCHIVED-Chimerical Guest

    My friends list was also gone yesterday when I logged into play, as well as my girlfriends who has a seperate account.

    Full File scan did not fix the problem.

    Have not checked it today.

    EDIT: On Lucan D'Lere only server I have a character on. Girlfriends is also on Lucan D'lere.

    Also noticed yesterday while playing the /who command was not working.

    Message Edited by Chimerical on 01-30-2005 09:01 AM
  12. ARCHIVED-Ruebben Guest

    Both my characters on SplitPaw have no world channels listed anymore. But those they were subscribed to have moved to the custom channel list. No use selecting them or trying to join a channel. Both characters were moved with the first /movelog to SplitPaw...
  13. ARCHIVED-Kabilos Guest

    I play on Crushbone and it is happening there, this is day 2 with out any crafting or trading channels .. Its a huge part of being an Armorer in the top 15 on the server to be without these channels.. its like my lifelink to the buying community is gone.
  14. ARCHIVED-Noelio Guest

    I have also experienced this on Splitpaw, friends list is cleared and I cannot add any new or old names to the list as well as having no chat channels available either. Even if I try to rejoin them there is no message at all and using /1 to chat in my first channel for example gives the message: Unknown command: '1'

    This 'bug' seems variable as sometimes I can see my usual channels and friends yet at other times I can't chat or see who is online. For example this morning it was fine, I log for a couple hours during the usual downtime, log back on, and no friends or chat channels.
  15. ARCHIVED-Khudson Guest

    As of today 1-30-05 the various problems of 1-29-05 are no longer happening to me. I had submitted a cs ticket in game, so I'm not sure if it was fixed due to that; or if it was global.

    Lucan DLere Server : Does anybody who was experiencing this on my server still have the problem?

    And what of those of you on other servers?
    Message Edited by Khudson on 01-30-2005 02:54 PM
  16. ARCHIVED-Teleboas Guest

    Problem has returned on Unrest.
  17. ARCHIVED-Iryssinia Guest

    Happening to me on Antonia Bayle, Qeynos side.
  18. ARCHIVED-Seffrid Guest

    People are complaining about it on the Qeynos side of Splitpaw too.
  19. ARCHIVED-Adbad Guest

    As mentioned above on Splitpaw everyones friends lists have been wiped and you can't join any of the world channesl e.g crafters and traders. Also we can't add anyone to our friends lists.
    Message Edited by Adbad on 01-30-2005 05:45 PM
  20. ARCHIVED-AinaFV Guest

    Antonia Bayle, Freeport side.