The PvP beta server official announcement is here!

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Siren, Feb 1, 2019.

  1. Siren Well-Known Member

    Nah, in reality he will be 8 levels higher, kill you both, and laugh as he loots you, lol (or wait until one of you kills the other, then pick off the one left who's down on health, rofl).

    And you could be an Exile even with a regular open PvP server, too. :p This new FFA thing just removes choices for the rest of us.

    I think people get more emotionally invested over the long haul when they make friends, work together and are part of a positive, ongoing team effort. FFA feels like you're surrounded by backstabbers who will flip on you any second. Why would I trust or care about anyone else here then? That's a more negative impact that this server will have.

    There isn't anything (like the top PvP title and Dreadnaught appearance armor) that they couldn't offer anyway, even if this was a factional PvP server with Exiles like usual. This isn't a disposable Battle Royale game; it's an MMORPG.

    I mean, why would anyone even tank or heal? What do they care if you die? Why would they want to save you, and make things harder on themselves not having all the OP benefits of being a Scout when you're just going to turn on them right after, or tomorrow? And why would they want to be a support team for you, when you will get the special armor and title instead of them?
    Frostfang, Pixistik and Teju like this.
  2. Zenji Well-Known Member

    First of all, alt accounts will require a sub. So the number of people that would do that is very small.

    Secondly, they referred to the leaderboard of as "unique" kills. So that would imply you only get credit for killing some one once for the leaderboard scoring.

    Caith already referenced killing the same person more than once rewards less XP per subsequent kill. So it would not be an efficient way to level. Especially when you consider respawn times etc. As well as I believe it is an 8 level difference to be able to attack another player. So unless you are leveling up your alt account(s) as well you wouldn't be able to "farm" them for kills or experience very long.
    Frostfang likes this.
  3. Zenji Well-Known Member

    Since there will be no pvp tokens/ vendor gear. The only way anyone is reliably getting gear is either through farming/crafting or doing PVE content. Assuming the PVE content is even remotely tuned, you will need tanks, healers and supports. Gear in PvP makes a huge difference, even with reduced stats.
    Frostfang likes this.
  4. Redlight Well-Known Member

    Perhaps you should check out the nagafen discord, groups are being set up along with guilds. This pvp team looks very serious in management, to make the best experience possible.
  5. Siren Well-Known Member

    Let's hope the guildies aren't killing each other when they're not teamed.

    Eve Online is FFA, with huge guilds and alliances, and some corps kill their own members all the time. You really can't stop it. And if guilds boot members who do that, then why don't we just have factional PvP with Exiles? That would make more sense.
    Frostfang likes this.
  6. Teju Member

    Thank you.

    Hopefully the devs will change their minds on this new PvP server being seasonal/event and make it a permanent TLE PvP server like Deathtoll was. If they can focus on balancing, exploits, mistakes, etc that crippled Deathtoll and fix them then I think it would be vastly superior to something that gets wiped after 3 months.
    Frostfang and Siren like this.
  7. Redlight Well-Known Member

    Did you read the letter? It states that your image as a player will be important, meaning that if you are a meanie nobody will bother to help you and you will be kicked out of communities etc., so think about the consequences of your actions.
  8. Siren Well-Known Member

    Um, okay, but Exiles existed in EQ2 PvP and killed everyone. In every FFA MMORPG where "perceived server image" is the only thing holding people doesn't. ;) Lineage 2, BDO, Tera, Aion, Runes of Magic, Eve Online, I have never seen griefers or gankers who hold back over perceived server image. They could usually care less. And we have the Exile faction anyway for that. But we'll see.

    I wonder how many people will buy bags off the SC shop, or any other SC goods, knowing there's an imminent wipe coming in 12 weeks or less (as the server timer ticks down)?
    Frostfang likes this.
  9. Zenji Well-Known Member

    How about no, let's not do the same thing again. TLE servers struggle to retain population for a myriad of reasons. So I am all for trying something new to see how it plays out. It has potential to be a great success or a colossal failure. Either way it only takes 3 months.
  10. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    So how long till they open the original battlegrounds again?
    I couldnt care less about Openworld FFA seasonal PVP..its not a good idea from the getgo, all its going to do is leave a bad impression in most of the loyal players they have left.

    FFA, really?
    Makes me wonder if the same people who destroyed pvp the first time are the ones actually trying to do this.
    Meneltel likes this.
  11. Exur Well-Known Member

    ??? Tanks, Heals and Support classes have a very special place in EQ2 PvP.... they, in a nutshell carry the groups/raids to victory. You want to be an OP solo scout... be that and play the game solo. That scout isn't killing a very good trinity group and not experiencing the joy of victory (and defeat) with a group of friends working together.

    Let me add this about a FFA server..... you know all those griefing, scumbag, trolling, toxic scouts that everyone hates... but also have a special place in making a PvP environment thrive? Who protects those characters...... the factions do. Good luck getting any help, protection or groups if you're a toxic troll. In my experience, all the worst trolls I knew stayed faction... cause without faction chat, they have no entertainment.

    With that said, a PvP environment where we all hold hands is not reality and extremely dull. There is a place for them and I love knowing they can't hug a faction's protection.

    Your ACTIONS have consequences! You want to be a toxic player, you're now targeted by ALL players, not just 50% of them. Your faction is your alliances/guild/group/friends..... that is SO MUCH better then leaching off a city protection that never holds you accountable for your in game actions. Don't you see the beauty in this?
    Trasor and Zenji like this.
  12. Redlight Well-Known Member

    Actually most old-school top tier PVPers that are coming back for this are loving the idea. The more fights around the corner, the bigger the tension, the more exciting the playtime.
    Zenji likes this.
  13. Siren Well-Known Member

    It's FFA. You are already being targeted by all of them. ;)

    If people were supporting their factions, with only those who "kill everyone" being outcast, that would be.... like our usual faction-based PvP servers with Exiles, lol.
    Frostfang likes this.
  14. Exur Well-Known Member

    ... where EQ2 went with it's expansions and actual game play/design destroyed PvP. Whenever you think a toxic player or community killed it, tell yourself that ruined it for "me". The blame is 100% on PvE changes. All the PvP events (BGs, Warfields/Writ Givers/etc..) were all attempts to save what their PvE changes took away.
    Trasor and Frostfang like this.
  15. Pixistik Don't like it? You're not alone!

    The blame is not PVE changes, but this isnt a PVP server so I wont fight or debate you over it. Lets just say we have different opinions.
    They put BG's back in the way they started and I will be thrilled..everything else they do is a waste of resources to me.
    Meneltel likes this.
  16. Exur Well-Known Member

    agreed.... I really had no issues with BG towards the end. It was 3, 2,1.. go PvP, but it was better then nothing. Why they turned it into some PvE proving grounds is beyond me. Some balance changes and inspiration and BGs could have remained nice "play option" for Live servers.
    Pixistik likes this.
  17. Siren Well-Known Member

    I think keeping 2 sets of gear going (PvP and PvE) was too much for a small dev team to deal with, which is one of the reasons given for PvP gear's demise. But it sucked for open world PvP anyway and I don't like PvP in a can, I like open world PvP, so for me, I don't miss it.
    Frostfang and Meneltel like this.
  18. Meneltel Well-Known Member

    I know its mentioning a "forbidden game" so I'll just comment that on mid classic of WoRoguecraft, though it was faction based, our chat, when someone called for help, if they were unliked and had a bad reputation, often got ignored. The real PvPers cared about faction and their reputation. I was in a guild during late classic (a human warlock) on a enemy heavy server. But my guild was dedicated to pvp and had a good reputation among the enemy. When we set up an anti-gank group (ambushing the gankers with a bait... ME), when the gankers started crying on the forums and in chat (we were told later), they got laughed at! The gankers had to group up to take our anti-gank group down... only to find that we have backups in the area... and wiped them out! More crying... more laughing at them... and it became known to leave our guild leveling toons alone... for they might be bait for your death!

    Reputation and actions did matter then... but now? No idea, I don't do pvp anymore. Too much twitch based and im terrible at that. I was then also but I have my strengths in pvp...
    Dude and Pixistik like this.
  19. Surgeon Active Member

    You underestimate the p2w mentality in a competitive game, friend.
    Everything to get an edge. Botting is also very wide-spread in EQ2.
    I know I wouldn't pay for an alt account, I also wouldn't transfer to the free-trade server and pay $20 to transfer back, but people are doing it.
    And someone 2 boxing or even 12 boxing will have the upper hand.
    It will become an issue. Don't take my word for it, wait and see. I'll be happy to be proven wrong.

    What worries me is the short-lived nature. RTT was fine because it was a race and you could earn lots and lots of krono since there was market value for collectibles. They were even a requirement for certain achievements.

    This server will be a botter's dream.

    And regarding a wipe every 3 months. This is a turn off for me.
    I'll give beta try but that's it. I have a job I don't need something that feels like work in my relaxation phases. Live is already too damn grindy and RNG-strong. Starting again with 0.1 exp/kill is not something I'll enjoy. I don't even enjoy it on TLE. The problem is structural but when I say it out loud on this forum I'll get banned again.
  20. Magmag Active Member

    Wow. I strongly recommend you leave general chat as soon as you log into that server.