Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Drew575, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Kittybock Well-Known Member

  2. Kittybock Well-Known Member

    Perhaps if something was in common use, BUT if the exploit or error which was impetus for possible exploit had not been brought to the fore, it woould still exist and could be exploited.

    When players find something super easy & too good to be true, there are nifty slash commands to figure it out: /bug or /petition.
  3. Fetish Well-Known Member

    They have to have the guards not attack you at some point in the faction line so that you can easily complete the betrayal for well guarded areas like Neriak. The faction system does not work like other faction systems or you would be able to gain faction with ALL cannot. The server is designed for faction based PvP...Q vs F...they have allowed a third "faction" in Exile. The gaining of the faction to go to a city is designed for nothing else other than going to a city. To gain +10k solely for city PvP is a very grey area...and one that DBG can call an exploit/abuse of mechanics if they wish. Like many "things that are in the game" that are classified exploits, it doesn't mean you can exploit without consequences just because DBG doesn't waste their time coding them out when a simple "Stop that" should suffice. I personally think it is fine as it is...especially since the city guards are not set up as being a killable challenge. However it is beyond stupid to state that because something is doable by game mechanics, that it is being used as intended. And it would be even sillier to continue to do something that a GM has seemingly told you not to... Why can't people play the game as intended? Dupes, exploits, bending the intended use of a game mechanic just for ***** and that what it takes for some people to enjoy a game?

    They let us have Exile...don't **** it up for the rest of us.
    Ajjantis, Nightmre, Siren and 2 others like this.
  4. Pailll New Member

    At least everyone will know who to thank when the devs screw exile over in the future.
    Its one thing to play in the jungle its a whole another when you poke bears
    Nightmre, Xephane and Siren like this.
  5. Kendayar Active Member

    man how yall find the energy to keep this up past a day
  6. Surgeon Active Member

    what PvP gear?
  7. Kendayar Active Member

    the t7 gear.
  8. Fetish Well-Known Member

    ...and if you seriously think that other players didn't know about this, and other "flaws", you are deluded by your hero worship. The difference is in what the player does with the knowledge of a "flaw"...some exploit, dupe, abuse...others realize that if you need to play the game that way, you have managed to find a way to actually lose at an MMORPG. Gratz...
    Xephane and Siren like this.
  9. Wanic Active Member

    I like Drew, he's such a character.

    Better than Talathon's trolly rants anyways
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  10. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    I only think that you misunderstood my post. If the developers think this is an exploit/not what they intended, they should fix it. Its what pretty much any other company running an MMO would do. I dont care about drewn nor am I saying he isnt wrong for finding an unfair advantage. I just know what he is known for. You can think im trying to worship him, fine but facts are facts. The devs left level 81 mobs in lavastorm, he found out he could charm them, and he used them in pvp. Even before TLE this is the kind of stuff drew did. Its not an unknown thing. This is just a case of the devs getting punished for lack of oversight. Which to an extent is understandable because the team isnt the same size as it was when it created classic, so given the scope they will miss things. But that doesnt make it the players fault.
  11. Fetish Well-Known Member

    Haha! I remember Tokengate!
  12. Fetish Well-Known Member

    It is easier for them to either just say "Stop that, or else", or just get rid of the child who keeps getting into stuff they've been told not to than it is to spend time putting child safe locks on all the cabinets...
    Belenos, Xephane and Siren like this.
  13. Xephane Active Member

    That's a load of **** right there. I fought you on my bruiser 1v1, and you did the chicken move and went under the water. I was beating the crap out of you without even having any pumice stones, when you got in orange hp and realized you were losing you charmed me and ran away. Then my friend appeared and feared you into a guard. So this statement of yours is false, you ran away yourself and died. I stood and fight even when you had a water breathing advantage over me.
    Belenos, Ajjantis and Siren like this.
  14. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    they did neither of these things so I guess we dont know at this point... and whether something is easier isnt my, yours or drews responsibility. Its the devs. They made the game, they made the TLE servers, and now they have to manage and control the reactions to it. THey knew they couldnt cover everything initially so its their responsibility to manage the fallout from that. I mean look at the interview about how they figured out how to add starter islands back in the game. Even after completing it they found things that they missed when testing it. This is the nature of things in this game. Its so huge that things are going to be things later on that need to be changed.
  15. Xephane Active Member

    You are lying, it's so obvious and the screenshot proves it. If he "zoned and attacked the guards" it would show in the combat logs what he did to the guards to aggravate them "You have started fighting" "YOU hit _______ for ___ points of crushing damage"

    He didn't zone and attack the guards, it's obvious that he hit you and then the guards attacked him, the LAST thing he did in those logs before it shows him getting smashed by the guards is attacking you. Nice try but some people actually know how to read and don't buy into your bull ****.
    Belenos, Matia, Ursa Minor and 2 others like this.
  16. Fetish Well-Known Member

    Oh...I thought there was a Dev post in this thread that said what would be hard to interpret as anything except "Stop it". While some want to play word police on whether he mentioned the right faction or not, none of that has to do with the intended mechanics behind the faction gain faction to join a city. It is pretty apparent that the questline to gain faction right up to the point that a city accepts you, and yet only use that faction to benefit from city guard aggro mechanics and not to join the faction is what the Dev is talking about. It is no longer in question...quit white knighting the abuse of game mechanics.

    I would prefer that we have a FFA server...but we don't...I love the existence of the Exile is IMO needed to allow for the closest thing we can get to FFA PvP and also to allow the two city factions to self balance their population. But if peeps with a seemingly compulsive behavior to abuse known flaws just so they can impress people like themselves or fool themselves into thinking they are some sort of gaming genius don't stop...we are going to end up not getting to have nice things. DBG was going to NOT put Exile into the game...why the **** would you want to go and prove that they were right?!

    Quit letting a handful of people who lack the ability to control themselves prevent us from having nice things...
  17. Ajjantis Well-Known Member

    Guys guys guys. Did you all forgot about drew? The same guy, that chokered in kunark below 50% so he would never lose fame. Stop talking to him, Close this useless thread and send him to drunder already!
  18. flameweaver Well-Known Member

    Of course, but what neither of us know is how many times /bug has been used over the last 10 years this exploit has been allowed to continue and ignored by the devs.

    I just see it as harsh that a single player is suddenly penalised, by a dev, who perhaps should be more focused on fixing the exploit.
  19. Fetish Well-Known Member

    He was just showing everyone how he discovered "game mechanics" that no one else knew about... ;)
    Ajjantis likes this.
  20. Ardur Duradan Well-Known Member

    the dev came in here and stated it after the fact. Not initially ( coming here after the fact stating that it was an exploit, they had to wait until there was a backlash for the way they handled it) or during (instead of communicating to the person, they just punished them, instead of explaining that it was wrong, which is totally unfair). Objectively based on the post I responded to, it didn't relate to the situation at the time. This isn't word police, this is about how people extrapolate things from their own assumptions. I am not condoning the abuse of anything, and I have stated that to you repeatedly. This is about how GMs conduct themselves when it comes to explaining or using disciplinary action, especially when it comes to things that at the time were considered by many as intentional.

    If you prefer having a FFA server, and you like the idea of exile, join exile.

    In any other game, if there was a flaw, it would be stated, and it would be the creators/developers responsiblity to fix it. But no, eq2 exists in the twilight zone where the players have actually been convinced that the developers arent responsible for creating or maintaining a fair playing field. You all should be thanking drew, because he has brought to light an issue in mechanics, that should be fixed asap. But instead you go on a witch hunt because he complained that he was punished without communication for something that has been done many times in the past.

    Also thank you for making me actually have reason to defend someone I actually find annoying and not like. Any day of the week I would lash out on drew because I think hes obnoxious. But the way this was handled wasn't professional at all.