Go back to normal server if you want perks

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Pencari, Aug 6, 2015.

  1. Pencari New Member

    TLE servers have been live for only a couple weeks. Harvest depots added? Check. Vitality potions added? Check. When do we get all of our /claim rewards? In a couple more weeks? Flying mounts a month after that? Agnostic dungeons? Heroic characters? Yes, I know I don't have to use or buy any of this stuff. I'm just disappointed and I hope I'm not alone.
    Aelious, Wulfhammer, Rhodris and 6 others like this.
  2. Dread1313 Active Member

    Where on the store are Vitality potions that can be used on TLE? I need to buy a few. Thanks for your reply.
  3. Sadique Member

    Now i can get 0.4% per kill instead of 0.1%-0.2%!! I am going to win!
  4. dajjal1983 New Member

    Paying for double xp = pay to win. when did we even get a chance to vote on this crap?
  5. Rozyn Well-Known Member

    I was really hoping the pots wouldn't be added [at all really] at least until the next expansion unlocked. It's not like I'm going to quit playing, but it certainly is disappointing. I have a feeling this will be a mood of mine many times over the coming months. Vitality is really, really powerful and helps even out the population's levels, this just seems unnecessary at this point in time. But supposedly the polls have spoken? Sigh.
    Rhodris, Shesaz, Mizgamer62 and 4 others like this.
  6. Dragoneyes New Member

    your not alone,..they lock out our vet rewards and then go sell the same things on the market,least the vet rewards only topped up vit once a week not like the ones they selling now...so whats the point of locking the vet rewards,I can understand exp boosts being locked.but now they adding stuff like this might as well unlock everything as it seems to be going that way.Not even sure we even voted for the Vit Potions or where they just added as another money grabbing scheme,isn't it enough we allready pay to play on the TLS .....I guess not
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  7. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Shame they can't fix tradeskill writs, but they can pull down the servers to put in vit potions. GG DBG, GG.
    Torvaldr, Rhodris, Ceyllynn and 2 others like this.
  8. Siren Well-Known Member

    Quite frankly, I think it would actually be fairer if they let us have our claimed vitality pots, as they're in the cash shop now. We were told claims were being withheld so there would be no unfair advantages: How are XP pots in the shop not an unfair advantage?

    The whole thing is kind of scammy, and they're double-dipping besides. We're already paying a sub on the TLs. They don't need to make the XP lower than live and then try and squeeze more money out of the same small but dedicated fan base in the cash shop to make the XP more like live.

    At least we got Exiles and the Appearance tab back on Deathtoll. I suppose we should be happy for those and just ignore the Pay to Win stuff in the cash shop.
    Ceyllynn, Shesaz, Mizgamer62 and 4 others like this.
  9. Kaelaien Member

    Very disappointed they were added,I guess they will do anything to make a buck. No need for xp bonuses on this server. Most people were not complaining. No need to power level through, most want to enjoy the game that is why the server was so popular.
    Tylia, Ceyllynn, Mizgamer62 and 2 others like this.
  10. Veems Member

    Another mistake, another portion of the player base gone. Oh gee, look at that, the loyal 11 year vets.. oh well, hmm?

    Players got to level 50 in a week, the ones who played their fair share. Now people have the opportunity to level faster than that with less effort.

    I really don't want to hear the "people don't have time" excuse. Yeah, you're right they dont. An mmo is suppose to take time.. a lot of it. If you don't have the time then you're not going to progress like the people who do. It's that simple.

    The vit pots were just for another source of money. Which I would be happy to know how it's being spent. The game was still running before tle so they at least we're making enough to keep it open where is the rest from tle going? Turning off more feature? Building an island that already exists? I'd really like to be proven wrong and see somthing as spectacular as the suburbs for instance, but until then it still is baffling.

    It does seem like the voice of the vets are being ignored on some things cause it dips into a way to make money.

    A lot of other things were needing to be fixed before finding another get rich quick scheme. It's just upsetting, it brings, as I recall another poster has stated, a different mind set to the servers.

    Not saying I haven't enjoyed the servers and that they have done well in creating them but really? Come on, this is not somthing that should of went through at all.
    Rhodris, Ceyllynn, Dragoneyes and 3 others like this.
  11. Dixa Active Member

    I got one for the OP:

    stop posting threads if you are not going to read a FAQ. This is not a classic server.
    Dread1313 likes this.
  12. Ajjantis Well-Known Member

    Very disapointed aswell, stupid move by DBG.

    We have Servers where People can buy all Kind of things on market place. People on TLE are all members who are paying already with their Subs. Can we stop the milking?
    Tylia, Siren, Ceyllynn and 3 others like this.
  13. Wirewhisker Well-Known Member

    So I guess this starts the push for a 'real' Time-Locked server, instead of a Time-Locked-In-Name-Only variant?
    Mondego, Aelious, Foretold and 2 others like this.
  14. Darkfoz Active Member

    I'm glad I've been busy the last couple of days to log in, all I want is to lfg not get sucked into a vote yes/no, why are vitality pots in game debate.
  15. Kraetec Active Member

    Those who are so adamant about having things "pure" (e.g., without any "qualify of life" improvements), need to realize that server simply cannot sustain that. Nostalgia only lasts so long, and then all you'd have are a few hardcore folks that are willing to stay on and play a 10 year old game. No -- for the server to be sustainable, people need to be able to progress more quickly than they were able to originally.

    I know it's an unpopular sentiment right now, but it's reality. Believe me, I enjoy the game right now and the nostalgia is awesome. However, this is not 2004 -- by that, I mean that other games are going to be released that people want to play. So, even if we're lucky enough that they don't quit completely, they're not going to play as much..which will slow down their progress.

    Anyway, I know it's hard for some people to understand because they want, so desperately, to play the same game they played in 2004; however, it just isn't possible. It needs to move at a faster pace to keep people engaged. And, I don't think this is because people today are "more carebear" -- I think it's because most of the players are now over 40 (i.e., can't spend as much time on the game as they could when they were younger) and because there are other very high quality games and content competing for their playtime.

    I suppose I could be wrong; however, this is how I see it. I think about 3-4 months between expansions on the TLE are about the best we can hope for without losing players ..and, to make that feasible, people need to be able to level faster and enjoy the game. The "quality of life" enhancements added by the developers over the years will help that...not harm it.
    Raff and Dragoneyes like this.
  16. Dragoneyes New Member

    Some what you say I agree with but the idea of the servers is to try and bring back what it was like at launch and players never needed to move at a faster pace also the servers are for the hardcore playerbase,if those said players want faster pace and easymode in todays mmo then there are other servers to play on (sorry but it's how I feel) they don't need to ruin this server as well,players need to leave behind the current mmo trend of faster everything(yes I know it's hard) and enjoy the experience of what it was like,even with half the data missing,broken quest lines.
    What lot of players are not seeing if they look ahead is that the game will get easyier anyways when each new expansion is released the game becomes easy and if no expansion is rejected in 11 months the server will be as the live servers are (shudders at the thought :p),
    For me it just seems most of the player base are players who never have played at launch and want to bring in every perk that is out there,you see in gen chat players never played EQ2 before then after 10 mins start whining how slow it is and they want faster mounts,exp potions and so forth.
    For me it's a no thanks to the stuff DB are pushing at us unless it's fluff or apperance items and if they are going to carry on this way then just unlock our vet rewards and screw the whole experience up once and for all and make it another live server (this wont happen I hope,but it's how I am feeling right now) .

    Anyways nice read and food for thought

  17. Wanic Active Member

    Stop spitting out your dummy every time DBG are having $ in their eyes.

    Play it the way you want to, you're not forced to buy the vit pots for that .2% xp increase.
    Suck it up buckaroo. Can't wait for /claim rewards!
    Dread1313 likes this.
  18. Veems Member

    Oh dear god yes! So I can claim my 10 year vet merc? Countless numbers of exp pots and 4 vit pots??? That'll make the game hard for sure!...
    Mizgamer62 likes this.
  19. Wanic Active Member

    You're under the impression that you're being forced to /claim vit pots and a 10 year merc.

    Choice is the operative word here, yours alone.

    Enough with the over reacting because some people want to hit cap faster than others, its bound to happen regardless of rule sets. Stormhold/Deathtoll isn't a proper time locked server anyways its a quasi version of it.
    Dread1313 likes this.
  20. Soluss Member

    For people that don't play all that much vitality pots are kind of useless anyways aren't they? I mean they should be building vitality naturally. I get almost a full level of vitality after being logged off for the night. I played an alt the other day and then went back to my main toon yesterday. I played my main toon for a few hours and had not run out of vitality yet. This is not geared for nor does it really help those that don't play that much.

    Personally I wont be buying them but I don't care if other people do. Don't see the big deal. Although, I do understand those that don't want this server turning into just another live server. This server is the reason me and 8 of my friends came back to play. If it turns into live then we probably wont be here long. I like the server the way it is.
    Rhodris and trixster like this.